We been helping the world when disaster strikes them? Wheres the world helping us?

I would offer the term--charlatan--as more accurate.

I guess since you continually refuse to make the argument -- I will have to make it for you.

The UN is in dire need of reform/abolishment due to the following factors (partial list):
1) It is a corrupt organization that effectively funnels money into the hands of dictators and props them up.
2) It has been an abject failure at peacekeeping and the prevention of war.
3) It has failed to fufill its nuclear non-proliferation goals.
4) It boasts a Security Council in which 5 members hold all the power -- and these 5 members represent a world order that is over 60 years old -- not representing the current world order in any form.
5) It gives a credible voice to radicals and dictators.

Look -- I listed some reasonable points to back up an assertion. Was that so hard?
I guess since you continually refuse to make the argument -- I will have to make it for you.

The UN is in dire need of reform/abolishment due to the following factors (partial list):
1) It is a corrupt organization that effectively funnels money into the hands of dictators and props them up.
2) It has been an abject failure at peacekeeping and the prevention of war.
3) It has failed to fufill its nuclear non-proliferation goals.
4) It boasts a Security Council in which 5 members hold all the power -- and these 5 members represent a world order that is over 60 years old -- not representing the current world order in any form.
5) It gives a credible voice to radicals and dictators.

Look -- I listed some reasonable points to back up an assertion. Was that so hard?

I knew you had it in you.
So why did you want me to tell you what you already knew?
I knew you had it in you.
So why did you want me to tell you what you already knew?

I spelled out an argument for why the UN should be reformed/abolished. Why I had to spell out YOUR argument is beyond me. However, when I get a chance later on I will give a counter argument.
I spelled out an argument for why the UN should be reformed/abolished. Why I had to spell out YOUR argument is beyond me. (me too!)
However, when I get a chance later on I will give a counter argument.

Motive--is the key.
I said you already knew all this.
We spent out tax dollars helping Japan on their disaster a year ago. Wheres the Japaneese helping us? Wheres the Chinese helping us? Where are the Russians and our good friend the British,,Wheres the Queen donating her money?

We don't need anyone else's help. We are the richest country in the world. Take your faux partisan outrage somewhere else.
Now here is an argument for why the UN is a good organization that we ought to keep in place (partial list again):

1) The United Nations promotes common norms and a society based on the rule of law throughout the world.
2) The United Nations has had major success at disease eradication and prevention throughout the world. In fact, we gained valuable intelligence on Bin Laden under the guise of a polio vaccination effort.
3) Common things such as worldwide postal service and other global shipping, international civil aviation, and global telecommunications are all made easier within the United Nations.
4) The Security Council gives a worldwide legitimacy to UN actions -- be it sanctions, use of force resolutions etc. This is important for building a broad coalition and spreading the cost burdens around to achieve our goals. Additionally, UN missions in various nations allow the burden to be eased on our own soldiers as well.
5) The Security Council, as it is, allows for major powers in the world to effectively be on the same page, and keep a dialogue going -- even in times of disagreement -- and even when they do not act in our interest persay, we are not prohibited from going around the UNSC, as seen in Kosovo, Iraq.

I can continue the list, or we can have a real back and forth if you really want. It is up to you.
I can continue the list, or we can have a real back and forth if you really want. It is up to you.

So are you for "Agenda 21"?
Treaty of the Sea?
The UN taking over the internet?
Global government?
Taxing your paycheck?
So are you for "Agenda 21"?

Do I support a meaningless non-binding, voluntarily plan -- I don't much care because it is 100% irrelevant.

Treaty of the Sea?

No, but I don't think the impact of ratification would be what the arguments against the convention claim.

The UN taking over the internet?

Uh no -- and that is not happening either. What you are referring to is the UN's International Telecommunication Union's International Telecommunication Regulations treaty -- adopted in 1988 and up for renewal shortly.

However, if you read how it works, the regulations under the ITR are non-binding, and only become binding if the member state then enacts it through their own domestic legislation -- ie Congress would have to pass it.

Not to mention, our own government, who has seen all these proposals, has stated, "there are no pending proposals to invest the ITU with ICANN-like Internet governance authority.”

Global government?

I am not sure what you mean here -- but there is simply no credible proposal to enact this.

Taxing your paycheck?

You are going to have to be more specific -- there are numerous proposals out there -- all of which are basically non starters.
We've been helping the world....???

Are you for real?

The US has started more wars than any other nation in history

The truth is that the US has done more to the world rather thant to help the world

It is without question the most dangerous nation on earth, both to its own citizens and to those in foreign countries

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