Oklahoma Tornado disaster. Not one nation in the world helped them


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Donations from Utahns hand-delivered to Oklahoma tornado victims

SALT LAKE CITY — Residents of Moore, Okla., are slowly trying to rebuild their lives after a tornado carved a 17-mile path of destruction May 20, but the gears of government relief turn slowly.
However, Pastor Myke Crowder of Christian Life Church in Layton arrived home Friday, after taking $8,000 in donations from Utahns to Moore.

He told KSL NewsRadio’s Doug Wright the people he met all have heartbreaking stories — like Ken Bush, who was inside Plaza Towers Elementary School with his daughter as the tornado tore it apart. Crowder got very emotional as he talked about the conversation he had with Bush.

“He said, ‘We were praying.’ And he said, ‘I kept waiting to be impaled by something. I kept waiting for something heavy to fall upon me.’ And he said nothing happened there, but everything was swirling, and then he said, ‘I was conscious of the fact, and I kept saying God give me the strength that if I feel myself being lifted, that I will let go of my daughter and not take her with me,'" Crowder said.

Dan Angle is another person Crowder helped. Angle lost his 9-year-old daughter, Sydney, when the tornado hit Plaza Tower Elementary. She was one of 24 people killed by the tornado.
Crowder said he spent a lot of time with Angle and his family. When Crowder pulled out an envelope with $500 in it, the tears started streaming down Angle’s face.


Where is China helping us? Where is Russia helping us? Where is Canada helping us? Where is Europe community helping us? Now when Disaster strikes like in Haiti guess how much of your Tax dollars helped Haiti?

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