we are in a ice age

Rocks don't fall when you let them go as science says?
Why yes they do ***** lol
The world-famous Christian philosopher and scientist Sir Isaac Newton studied the effects of gravity and gave the world new insights into the miraculous force created by God.
The sad reality is that far too often gullible humans assume that debatable scientific speculations are irrefutable facts.
Science is basically the study of theroys some based on actual trails and tribulations .And much based on theory.
They change all the time. As a matter of fact I think there were 5 major theory's on how the universe was created and now the James Webb telescope changes all of them for the most part except Creation.
View attachment 10174

White people and capitalism are ruining the earth.

How dare you!
She is annoying as annoying can be.All she needs is 8 billion people to totally change thier life style and development of technology we do not have yet that's really efficient but we are getting there. And to pull trillions of dollars out of our rear ends to pay for it and I mean trillions upon trillions and all the natural resources to built it world wide .
Hey some body is paying for her up keep and expenses
We've been in a ~cooling~ period since the 90s. Statistically it's almost imperceptible and is closer to flat, statistically. We're due for such a period which might be like the cool period of the Dark/Middle Ages, or not, or may begin to warm further. And therein lies the rub, we don't really know. Whatever else is true, the sun's cycles control our cycles, plus volcanoes can throw in a few jokers to screw things up.
From what I understand they claim we are at the end of one possibility already in a warming period.
She is annoying as annoying can be.All she needs is 8 billion people to totally change thier life style and development of technology we do not have yet that's really efficient but we are getting there. And to pull trillions of dollars out of our rear ends to pay for it and I mean trillions upon trillions and all the natural resources to built it world wide .
Hey some body is paying for her up keep and expenses
Only one teeny weeny problem: Can we fit all 8 billion into our existing caves, or do we need to start mining on a really grand scale? Here's an interesting engineering question: How many Kennecott-size holes do we have to make to hold everyone?
You fail to disprove scientific interpretations of data that convinced scientists several decades ago that the earth was cooling at an alarming rate. If hundreds of years of climate data supposedly convinces modern researchers that the earth is warming, then what convinced scientists several decades ago that hundreds of years of data proved the earth was cooling?

Clearly, the problem is not so much the fact that data is misinterpreted, and erroneous conclusions are drawn from cherry-picked data, but the problem is that so many rubes wrongly assume favored interpretations of data are irrefutable and settled scientific facts.
Well it convinced a handful
But more were on the side of warming
Picking the since discredited minority view is something a science ***** like you would do
Well it convinced a handful
But more were on the side of warming
Picking the since discredited minority view is something a science ***** like you would do
Scientific truth is not established on the basis of majority mob opinion. The overwhelming majority mob of geologists mocked J. Harlen Bretz to scorn for suggesting the Channeled Scablands, like the Grand Canyon, was formed by major flooding and not by millions of years of slow river erosion.

Bretz encountered resistance to his theories from the geology establishment of the day. The geology establishment was resistant to such a sweeping theory for the origin of a broad landscape for a variety of reasons, including lack of familiarity with the remote areas of the interior Pacific Northwest where the research was based, and the lack of status and reputation of Bretz in the eyes of the largely Ivy League-based geology elites. Furthermore, his theory implied the potential possibilities of a Biblical flood, which the scientific community strongly rejected.[9] The Geological Society of Washington invited the young Bretz to present his previously published research at a meeting on 12 January 1927, where several other geologists presented competing theories. Bretz saw this as an ambush, and referred to the group as six "challenging elders". Their intention was to defeat him in a public debate, and thereby end the challenge his theories posed to their conservative interpretation of uniformitarianism. ...

By the time the Geological Society of America finally recognized Bretz’s work with the Penrose Medal, the field’s highest honour, it was 1979 and Bretz was 96 years old. He joked to his son, "All my enemies are dead, so I have no one to gloat over."[12]
You are the ***** not understanding how science works everyday
Has science taught you why similarity of DNA between humans and apes supposedly justifies assumptions of blood relatedness but similarities of DNA between rats and humans does not demand the same assumptions of relatedness?
Scientific truth is not established on the basis of majority mob opinion. The overwhelming majority mob of geologists mocked J. Harlen Bretz to scorn for suggesting the Channeled Scablands, like the Grand Canyon, was formed by major flooding and not by millions of years of slow river erosion.

Bretz encountered resistance to his theories from the geology establishment of the day. The geology establishment was resistant to such a sweeping theory for the origin of a broad landscape for a variety of reasons, including lack of familiarity with the remote areas of the interior Pacific Northwest where the research was based, and the lack of status and reputation of Bretz in the eyes of the largely Ivy League-based geology elites. Furthermore, his theory implied the potential possibilities of a Biblical flood, which the scientific community strongly rejected.[9] The Geological Society of Washington invited the young Bretz to present his previously published research at a meeting on 12 January 1927, where several other geologists presented competing theories. Bretz saw this as an ambush, and referred to the group as six "challenging elders". Their intention was to defeat him in a public debate, and thereby end the challenge his theories posed to their conservative interpretation of uniformitarianism. ...

By the time the Geological Society of America finally recognized Bretz’s work with the Penrose Medal, the field’s highest honour, it was 1979 and Bretz was 96 years old. He joked to his son, "All my enemies are dead, so I have no one to gloat over."[12]

i didn't say it was a majority opinion so you should believe it just because it was, i was saying how stupid you were for picking a minority one that has since been discredited.
but you are a science *****, so there's that
Has science taught you why similarity of DNA between humans and apes supposedly justifies assumptions of blood relatedness but similarities of DNA between rats and humans does not demand the same assumptions of relatedness?

feel free to post something that tries to make a point. random posts about rat dna is stupid.
Has science taught you why similarity of DNA between humans and apes supposedly justifies assumptions of blood relatedness but similarities of DNA between rats and humans does not demand the same assumptions of relatedness?

We share a large amount of our DNA in common with all mammals through our shared evolutionary past. But I think you have confused two different ideas. Sharing 99% of genes is not the same as sharing 99% of DNA. While we may have nearly the same number and type of genes (i.e. rat genes have counterparts in the human genome) it does not mean that these genes are completely identical. They are comparing the number and function of the genes only.They are NOT comparing the actual DNA sequences.

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