Wal-Mart why are some people making a big deal?

Nobody can argue that Walmart could pay their bottom of the chain workers a far better wage and still rake in massive profits. However, they would have to bite the bullet and loose a fair bit of money, but its hardly that much, and if it came out of the pockets of the top of the line CEO's they would still be able to live their lives of luxury.

On those grounds alone you should have some kind of problem with Walmart.

Yes, Wal-mart could, and probably should pay better, all things considered. Like I've said though, I know many people who work for Wal-mart who have worked in other retail companies, and are very pleased. Would they like it better? SURE! But I've never heard any of them sit around and grouse as so many here, and so many others outside the company.

That is no reason for me to have a problem with the company. I don't begrudge anyone the opportunity to make just as flamin' much money as he/she can. And if we start having that as a reason to have problems with companies, we may as well pack it in, and go back to growing your own food, pumping your own water and sewing your own cloths. That is, after you raise the sheep or the cotton to weave the cloth from.

This is a part of our society today. This is part of what gives us the standard of living that even the poorest in this country enjoy. Simply, it is what it is.
Yes, Wal-mart could, and probably should pay better, all things considered. Like I've said though, I know many people who work for Wal-mart who have worked in other retail companies, and are very pleased. Would they like it better? SURE! But I've never heard any of them sit around and grouse as so many here, and so many others outside the company.

I'm not talking about in store employees who live in America. I'm talking about the people who slog away in sweatshops on the other side of the world churning out goods for pittance.

That is no reason for me to have a problem with the company. I don't begrudge anyone the opportunity to make just as flamin' much money as he/she can. And if we start having that as a reason to have problems with companies, we may as well pack it in, and go back to growing your own food, pumping your own water and sewing your own cloths. That is, after you raise the sheep or the cotton to weave the cloth from.

That means you support unpaid child labour... as long as the employer of these children gets loads of money?

This is a part of our society today. This is part of what gives us the standard of living that even the poorest in this country enjoy. Simply, it is what it is.

You mean the West gets a fantastic standard of living whilst we rip off the rest of the world, leaving them in poverty.

lol I didn't think there were still millions of union workers lol. I thought you all lost your jobs by now. :D

ha ha spoken by a True Walmart disciple

do the squiggy buddy, do the squiggy

Im betting your not taking down $38.00 an hour there are ya bucko? Hows those benefits? Do you get a month of vaca?
full dental, and medical, for your whole family!!!.... without paying extra, out of your check every week? yeah didnt think so.............

walmart is for idiots
I work overnights at Walmart since I got married and I've done extensive research into the company while I was considering whether to purchase stock. As far as no-skill employment is concerned it is hands down the best place to work. Managers and Assistant Managers from stores like Giant and Food Lion go to Walmart, taking a lower position as department manager, just so they'll have access to a wide range of excellent benefits. Safeway, Food Lion, Piggly Wiggly, Harris Teeter... none of these places offer such good benefits.

So, which of these are one of you union people going to disprove?

Wal~Mart pays better than almost any other jobs of the same type, they offer stock options, 401k, health and life insurance, management training, and give you paid holidays; and after your first year you get a weeks paid vacation, after two years, two weeks paid vacation, after five years, three weeks paid vacation. Walmart will even pay for your books, classes, and tests to help you get your GED. If you work for Walmart for thirty-five years you could retire comfortably. If anything, Unions would cost employees benefits due to higher wages. Its better to have lower wages and more benefits when you have a family or have no other means at corporate positions. Oh, I forgot profit sharing. Walmart employees receive a share of their stores profit every quarter.

I make more money by Monday noon, than you wally worlders do by Tuesday night,at the end of the day.

you walmart idiots wouldn't know a good job if it pissed in your cheerios
The Fricking truth hurts eh wonder boy?

International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers Pal

Local 134...........................

wonder away Boy

wonder away

while you wonder ill make the dough ok?
Who works at WAL-MART here?

I stated before that I used to. They screwed me over and left me with a back that hurts sometimes pretty badly (considering I do a lot of my work from home in a chair for hours as a telecommuting coder for a startup company working on development tools, I work sometimes long long hours in a chair...I have walmart to thank for my back hurting when I do this...dealt with it for ten years now.) Read my previous posts, Walmart used to be great when walton was alive, now it's as greedy as any other company and screws its people. Sure it's great for some folks who have nothing else to turn to, but when you do have something that is your choice or nothing else, you'll take it and it appears ok. Fact is IT IS NOT OKAY. I wasn't the only one injured while I worked there, other people fell, had things fall on them, etc. I also was not the only one who fought and failed for healthcare after the injuries...I say fark walmart they're a bunch of assholes.
Nobody can argue that Walmart could pay their bottom of the chain workers a far better wage and still rake in massive profits. However, they would have to bite the bullet and loose a fair bit of money, but its hardly that much, and if it came out of the pockets of the top of the line CEO's they would still be able to live their lives of luxury.

On those grounds alone you should have some kind of problem with Walmart.

The CEO is paid for his responsibilities for all Walmart Profits. So if Walmart makes 2 billion a year, 20 million is only a tenth of a percent. I imagine the person in charge of a 2 billion dollar a year business deserves quite the massive income.
I make more money by Monday noon, than you wally worlders do by Tuesday night,at the end of the day.

you walmart idiots wouldn't know a good job if it pissed in your cheerios

I make $25 an hour working for a mtg insurance company, plus commission on sales, plus $10.20 an hour at Walmart. I make enough money to take care of my beautiful wife and my self. I own my own home and my own sailboat. I'm doing just fine.
I make $25 an hour working for a mtg insurance company, plus commission on sales, plus $10.20 an hour at Walmart. I make enough money to take care of my beautiful wife and my self. I own my own home and my own sailboat. I'm doing just fine.

the key to you lame argument is the fact that you make over TWICE your wally world salary ELSEWHERE.............why? because wally worlds 10.20 an hour just isnt sh$t....cmon are you frigging kidding me? 10.20 an hour?

I make MORE than you do, on Two jobs!! and i only have one job, and work 40 hrs a week, can you say that?

i own 2 homes, a boat, snowmobiles, 2 harleys,4 quads and a host of other braggart toys....who cares?

if you had to rely on wallyworld alone would you be bragging then? no of course not.....10.20 an hour i made that when i was 16 years old................

wallyworld isnt providing your livelyhood.its supplementing it because you still havent breached the 30.00 mark on your regular job
I make MORE than you do, on Two jobs!! and i only have one job, and work 40 hrs a week, can you say that?

i own 2 homes, a boat, snowmobiles, 2 harleys,4 quads and a host of other braggart toys....who cares?

if you had to rely on wallyworld alone would you be bragging then? no of course not.....10.20 an hour i made that when i was 16 years old................

I make $25 an hour working for a mtg insurance company, plus commission on sales, plus $10.20 an hour at Walmart. I make enough money to take care of my beautiful wife and my self. I own my own home and my own sailboat. I'm doing just fine.

Dude...I make more than that working at summer camp.
Dude...I make more than that working at summer camp.

I made just about the same working for an aquatics camp teaching small boat sailing. Plus, I lived there over the summer, so no bills. That was nice. Still, that says nothing about Walmart. Walmart takes in people with no skills and gives them a job to do. $10 an hour will help you survive, not as well as $30 an hour, but it will suffice. Really, the goal of any Walmart employee should be management, who at entry levels (AM) they make an average of $42,000 a year with bonuses in addition. So, every employee has the chance to go from making $18,000-$25,000 to $40,000 is they want to.

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