Wal-Mart why are some people making a big deal?

Wal~Mart pays better than almost any other jobs of the same type, they offer stock options, 401k, health and life insurance, management training, and give you paid holidays; and after your first year you get a weeks paid vacation, after two years, two weeks paid vacation, after five years, three weeks paid vacation. Walmart will even pay for your books, classes, and tests to help you get your GED. If you work for Walmart for thirty-five years you could retire comfortably. If anything, Unions would cost employees benefits due to higher wages. Its better to have lower wages and more benefits when you have a family or have no other means at corporate positions. Oh, I forgot profit sharing. Walmart employees receive a share of their stores profit every quarter.

Im betting your the loudest one every morning doing the squiggy song/dance gig arent you?
walmart employee eh? your not biased are you? walmart
" is" CHINA you idiots............

Boycott walmart Millions of Union workers like myself do

you can too
Im betting your the loudest one every morning doing the squiggy song/dance gig arent you?
walmart employee eh? your not biased are you? walmart
" is" CHINA you idiots............

Boycott walmart Millions of Union workers like myself do

you can too

lol I didn't think there were still millions of union workers lol. I thought you all lost your jobs by now. :D
Either you're A) a walmart shill or B) have never worked for them.. please reread my previous post about my horros with the beast...

I work overnights at Walmart since I got married and I've done extensive research into the company while I was considering whether to purchase stock. As far as no-skill employment is concerned it is hands down the best place to work. Managers and Assistant Managers from stores like Giant and Food Lion go to Walmart, taking a lower position as department manager, just so they'll have access to a wide range of excellent benefits. Safeway, Food Lion, Piggly Wiggly, Harris Teeter... none of these places offer such good benefits.

So, which of these are one of you union people going to disprove?

Wal~Mart pays better than almost any other jobs of the same type, they offer stock options, 401k, health and life insurance, management training, and give you paid holidays; and after your first year you get a weeks paid vacation, after two years, two weeks paid vacation, after five years, three weeks paid vacation. Walmart will even pay for your books, classes, and tests to help you get your GED. If you work for Walmart for thirty-five years you could retire comfortably. If anything, Unions would cost employees benefits due to higher wages. Its better to have lower wages and more benefits when you have a family or have no other means at corporate positions. Oh, I forgot profit sharing. Walmart employees receive a share of their stores profit every quarter.
No one here does,,So??

If by no one, you mean yourself and Roker, then you are correct.

There are plenty of people who make thoughtful, intelligent posts. Some of them I agree with. Others I don't. Either way, I can respect their good intentions and thoughtfulness.
I'm still waiting for someone to make the argument that Walmart doesn't offer competitive wages and benefits. I would like someone to point out a single Wal-Mart competitor that offers better pay and benefits. If you compare the jobs held by employees at Walmart to the same type jobs at Target, Kmart, Lowes, or the Home Depot, Walmart comes out on top.
Steveox, if you think nobody posts anything intelligent on this forum then leave. I'm going to step out of my moderating persona I have to adopt and tell you that the majority of your posts are unintelligent rambling about diabetes, discounts you dont deserve, political comparisons to pro wrestling and copy and paste jobs. Some people here stimulate very interesting discussions, and don't just post thread after thread of inane fodder.
I'm still waiting for someone to make the argument that Walmart doesn't offer competitive wages and benefits. I would like someone to point out a single Wal-Mart competitor that offers better pay and benefits. If you compare the jobs held by employees at Walmart to the same type jobs at Target, Kmart, Lowes, or the Home Depot, Walmart comes out on top.

BG, I'd like to see that, too. I have seen and heard so many criticisms of WalMart. Other than the tired and erroneous cliches about driving small business out and not being organized (unionized, so to speak) no one can ever present valid, intelligent arguments.

Years ago (I'm a lady, and I'd rather keep secret how many ;) ) I worked for Meijer. Although not a national chain, in the 60's through around 1984 it was known as the leading, trend-setting company in the retail industry. Nearly all other retail chains watched to see what happened with Meijer when new contracts were negotiated.

I saw the writing on the wall. I was a union steward, and resigned with a very loud, written and verbal condemnation of what the union was starting to do to us. I left Meijer about two years later, and have found numerous greener pastures since.

In the following years, I know of at least two dozen new stores they built on my side of Michigan. Not to count the numerous improvement, refurbishing and restyling projects. About 5 years ago, after full time employees had lost nearly 75% of the rights and privileges they'd enjoyed in the past, Meijer and their four pay/benefit tier levels found that they were still losing money. So the cuts began.

It's been a nightmare for many. Full time employees with over 25 years seniority suddenly faced with working at multiple store locations, any shift and day the management bequeathed. Many have been gritting their teeth and trying to make it to retirement. Many though have moved on to other jobs. And, you guessed it, many of them have gotten jobs at Walmart.

Guess what? They LOVE it. (Okay, except for one gal who probably wouldn't be happy with just about anything...) The pay is better, the benefits are better, and they feel that they have so much more job security. No, it's not all roses, but face it: Walmart has become the industry leader, the position Meijer once held.

Sorry about that. I know you're looking for someone to effectively dispute your facts. But with the past I have, I just had to share it.
Subline my remark isnt what i mean ok? Im just a little by some people here. Some people do post very intellengent here.Theyre are a few just kinda get on my nerves.
attempt at being modreate.....

I live in the S.F. Bay area and there is a 'dissagrement' gong on between the unionized trash collectors and management. Now these guys make $75,000 a year to drive a truck around and empty trash cans.

Maybe that could be considered excessive. or?

However one of the bits of the big picture that I see neglected in this thread, is the fact that in a lot of industries, & retail (etc...) the big cheese makes as much as several thousand times what the lowest paid worker gets.

Some businesses have a rule in that the highest paid employee (including the CEO) makes at the most 10 times what the lowest paid employee makes.
This sort of thing makes a LOT of sense.

The current trend in retail is really off, in that the Big Cheese may make $20,000,000 a year and the low paid foreign worker who is making the product, gets maybe $1,000 a year.

We just saw the totall fiasco of Home Depot having to pay off Bob Nardeli to get him to go away and stop damaging their good name.

Even if the CEO just happens to have a PHD in business & finance, is ANYONE worth $20,000,000 a year? Just exactly how much experence, education, (or WHATEVER...) can you bring to a job that makes you worth all that loot?

Its a GAME! Billy Gates acumulated all that loot, because he can, he is a master salesman!

Its a cool thing that Billy Gates has given away a lot of money for humanitian projects, and thats good, but given that there are people with lots of money from their OIL investments who are using that money to BUY CONGRESS and the system in this country is suffering greatly because of it!

Mad King George gets to do UNCONSTITUTIONAL things
because he can get away with it!

WE_THE_PEOPLE need to tell CONGRESS to stop working for GREED INC. and work for WE_THE_PEOPLE!

<rant mode off>
Nobody can argue that Walmart could pay their bottom of the chain workers a far better wage and still rake in massive profits. However, they would have to bite the bullet and loose a fair bit of money, but its hardly that much, and if it came out of the pockets of the top of the line CEO's they would still be able to live their lives of luxury.

On those grounds alone you should have some kind of problem with Walmart.
I live in the S.F. Bay area and there is a 'dissagrement' gong on between the unionized trash collectors and management. Now these guys make $75,000 a year to drive a truck around and empty trash cans.

Maybe that could be considered excessive. or?

Excessive? I've no idea, as I don't know what the prevailing wage is.

However one of the bits of the big picture that I see neglected in this thread, is the fact that in a lot of industries, & retail (etc...) the big cheese makes as much as several thousand times what the lowest paid worker gets.

Some businesses have a rule in that the highest paid employee (including the CEO) makes at the most 10 times what the lowest paid employee makes.
This sort of thing makes a LOT of sense.

The current trend in retail is really off, in that the Big Cheese may make $20,000,000 a year and the low paid foreign worker who is making the product, gets maybe $1,000 a year.

I guess this could be a pertinent part of the subject. I took the Wal-Mart thread subject to primarily mean as a retail/employment source. The pros and cons specifically in those regards. But yes, I can see where CEO and other upper corporate types pay could be an issue.

I can appreciate that $23 mil seems totally exorbitant for compensation. And the pay disparity is one of the worst in retail. However, it is still some of the best paid and benefited retail companies. If you'd like to change these things, the best way is to 1) not support them with your dollar or 2) buy stock in them so you have a say in the policies. Then you can try to influence others, either way, to do the same.

Outraged? Fine. But there are still hundreds if not thousands of people lining up to appy for jobs any time a new Wal-Mart opens. It's sort of like the U.S. in general. We get all this criticism from every direction (primarily media and some politicians) yet people are still so anxious to come here, for opportunity, medical care, education, etc. When Wal-Mart gets too far out, believe me, the market forces, the employees and John Q. Public will bring about a correction.

But keep the government out. I don't want them telling any of us how much we can or can't make. If you have the opportunity to invent the great, next, best-since-sliced-bread invention, I say BRAVO! Hope you totally strike it rich, and there is no one to tell you, "Uh, excuse me. Invent what you want, but don't plan on getting rich from it."

We just saw the totall fiasco of Home Depot having to pay off Bob Nardeli to get him to go away and stop damaging their good name.

Hate to say it, but the whole thing, from Nardelli's hiring to the finale was controlled by the stockholders and the board. This has happened time and time again in companies. Some make a comeback (like Chrysler under Lee Iocca, and GE under Jack Welch, for example) and some don't. ATT is another major mega-corp that has been up, down, down-for-the-count, then came back swinging. But in the end, HD has gone through the process, and time will tell.

The same could happen to Wal-Mart. At this time, stockholders and Board members are all pleased with H. Lee Scott's performance. He is running a company with 2 mil employees. Currently they are cutting prices right and left, which of course is going to cut into profit margins. Time will tell if the masses will remain satisfied.

Even if the CEO just happens to have a PHD in business & finance, is ANYONE worth $20,000,000 a year? Just exactly how much experence, education, (or WHATEVER...) can you bring to a job that makes you worth all that loot?

We can have our opinions, and decide how we will act in light of that, but those things are not for us to decide, or determine.

Its a GAME! Billy Gates acumulated all that loot, because he can, he is a master salesman!

Its a cool thing that Billy Gates has given away a lot of money for humanitian projects, and thats good, but given that there are people with lots of money from their OIL investments who are using that money to BUY CONGRESS and the system in this country is suffering greatly because of it!

Even further off subject, and your rantings merely sound like irrational envy.

Mad King George gets to do UNCONSTITUTIONAL things
because he can get away with it!
... yet even further off topic...

WE_THE_PEOPLE need to tell CONGRESS to stop working for GREED INC. and work for WE_THE_PEOPLE!

Can't disagree with the principle, imagine We-The-People becoming more involved! Great idea! But still, off topic...

<rant mode off>

;) Glad you got that off your chest!

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