Veterans Never Forget...

I need to get going (from Reno down to the Bay area), but quickly . . . .

John O'Neill is a liar. I have never, ever, spoken to him about that day.

What they have on that page (or at least what you posted), I have seen before. It is a combination of lies, half-truths and misstatements, and totally ignores the after-action report filed for that incident.

More later . . . .

Doug Reese

I couldn't help but look you up on the net. You are named in a number of websites, I never read unfit for command, is it true that you were named in the book and quoted? Is this quote what wasn't exactly true. Can you sue for bad quotes?

Questions about another battle incident in which Kerry won the Silver Star.
The Silver Star citation describes Kerry as in command of three boats on the Dong Cung River in Vietnam.
According to the citation, Kerry encountered enemy fire and ordered all his boats to return fire.
He is then described as having landed his boat directly in front of the enemy forces, pursued them, captured enemy weapons, then moving up river for more confrontation with the enemy.
The citation reads, "The extraordinary daring and personal courage of Lt. Kerry in attacking a numerically superior force in the face of intense fire were responsible for the highly successful mission."

The Swift Boat veterans say the citation was presented very quickly, a couple of days after the events in battle and with no review, otherwise the Silver Star would have never been granted.

In his book about Kerry titled "Unfit For Command," co-author John O'Neill wrote of an account by an Army Veteran named Doug Reese that said that when the enemy fire started, it was the boat he was on, not Kerry's, that first reached the beach.
He says that it was the troops on his boat that went on the land, killed enemy forces, and captured weapons, but none of them received Silver Stars.
He goes on to say that Kerry's boat was later hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and pursued a "young Viet Cong in a loincloth" who was eventually shot in the back on land.
O'Neill says Admiral Roy Hoffmann, who had commended Kerry's actions at the time, thought Kerry had bravely beached his boat and "single-handedly" killed a Viet Cong soldier.
He is described as having been shocked to learn that Kerry had killed a single, wounded teenager.

I read on one page the argument you made on Christmas in Cambodia and the argument you made about the silver star. I think I disagree about the Christmas story but its hard to argue with you on the silver star one when you were there. The different websites that named you said you were a kerry supporter, did they get that part right?

kerry said in is time in Vietnam he personally witnessed beheadings and the cutting off of ears, he said he never personally participated but he saw it done by others. Did you see that stuff too?

also, how long were you in combat in Vietnam and how many metals did you get, what types?
Doug, this is the best website I have found so far. It explains how you get a metal and kerry's actions when he got his

You again are quoted, much more in this one than the others. Actually the silver star story is the longest of all the metal stories. One other person who was there in the silver star story agrees with what you said then. Who is he? Do you trust him?

This is kind of fun having someone who was actually there on forum. Glad you came to the HOP

In my reading today I found something else I wanted to ask you about. I am under the impression that kerry never released his military records as he said that he would. But today I found a letter signed by you to T. Boone Pickens saying you have those records and are willing to meet with him to show him.

Did he release his records and the media just forgot to report on it?

here is the clip where you and those others who signed the form stated it and below that will be the website. If you have kerry's military record can you post them here?

"we will bring with us a Navy/Pentagon certified copy of Senator Kerry’s full military record and his writings and the movie footage you have requested."

In my reading today I found something else I wanted to ask you about. I am under the impression that kerry never released his military records as he said that he would. But today I found a letter signed by you to T. Boone Pickens saying you have those records and are willing to meet with him to show him.

Did he release his records and the media just forgot to report on it?

here is the clip where you and those others who signed the form stated it and below that will be the website. If you have kerry's military record can you post them here?

"we will bring with us a Navy/Pentagon certified copy of Senator Kerry’s full military record and his writings and the movie footage you have requested."
Well, I did sign that letter, but I'm not the one who had records, etc. That was members of Kerry's crew.

Pickens, of course, weaseled out.

Kerry released his records to the AP, UPI and the Boston Globe. They found nothing noteworthy in the records.

Doug Reese
Doug, this is the best website I have found so far. It explains how you get a metal and kerry's actions when he got his

You again are quoted, much more in this one than the others. Actually the silver star story is the longest of all the metal stories. One other person who was there in the silver star story agrees with what you said then. Who is he? Do you trust him?

This is kind of fun having someone who was actually there on forum. Glad you came to the HOP
Bill Rood was the commander of the Swift Boat I and the other two advisors were on.

This website is put up by an anti-Kerry guy who comes across as reasonable, . . . . if you don't know the facts of the various incidents.

If you do know the facts, then you know he's a master of deception. He takes snippets of statements from various people, and puts them together to give a view of what happened that supports his conclusion. He ignores facts that don't support his conclusion.

He makes for interesting reading, but when all is said and done, he's full of crap.

Doug Reese
"kerry said in is time in Vietnam he personally witnessed beheadings and the cutting off of ears, he said he never personally participated but he saw it done by others . . . "

I think if you look closely, you will see that Kerry never said such a thing.

Doug Reese
That is one of the better video's out there.

I am unsure how these people can talk out both sides of their mouth the way they

They Dems know the MSM is their allie. They know they can say anything that fits the moment and if they change their tune later, no big deal. The MSM will cover for them.

The government media complex is screwing Americans. But, the useful idiots are too ignorant to know this.