US intelligence chief claims right to assassinate Americans overseas


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
No doubt this has been going on for many decades, but never accknowledged.

I would most pleased if people could debate this based on the value of US citizenship rather than some soapbox agenda.

"...US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair said on Wednesday that government agencies have a policy of assassinating Americans overseas as required by the “war on terror.”

In testimony before the House intelligence committee, Blair said the assassinations would be justified if US citizens were “taking action that threatens Americans.” This is an extremely broad category, giving the US intelligence apparatus general authority to engage in what amount to extra-judicial executions.

Such killings are illegal under international law, but they have become standard procedure for the American military and intelligence agencies, under the euphemism of “targeted killings.” They are now common as part of the full-scale military occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in other countries targeted by the US, including Pakistan and Yemen.

The question of killing Americans has come up specifically in relation to the US-born Yemeni cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, who has been linked by the US government to the suspect in the attempt to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas Day. On December 24, the US launched strikes on an Al Qaeda compound in Yemen, and it was initially thought that al-Awlaki may have been among those killed.

Al-Awlaki has not been charged with any crimes. CNN reported, however, “Privately many administration officials said he is one of the next American citizens abroad with whom the US intelligence community wants to deal.” CNN did not say who else was on the list of citizens to be “dealt with.”

more spookery at

Comrade Stalin
They assassinated their own president at home.

Why should they worry about offing lesser mortals on foreign soil?

Cue the 'The US would never do such a thing' from the indoctrinated ones.

You know, the ones they prgrammed to faint at the sound of the word 'communism' and then to faint at the sound of the word 'terrorists'.