In vitriol bothers me, why can’t they just fertilize one egg and if it does not take then try again? They do it to so many eggs then freeze them, give them to scientists to slice and dice. I would never do that. I have no problem with fertilizing the egg you want to have implanted but I don’t like cloning eggs for experiments or to just save time/money. And what I find very sick is some women will have several fertilized eggs implanted in them and select and abort the ones they don’t want later. That is sad and disgusting.
You know... I know you absolutely have no idea just how ridiculous you sound.
You are actually whining about frozen eggs, FROZEN EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you wonder why NOBODY with half a mind would ever for one split second back off the fight to keep safe, sterile, medical abortion legal!
The "I want to run your bedroom and your body crazies" so quick it would make everyone's head snap would be pushing for making it illegal to freeze and save eggs that might not be used, make it illegal to have multiple eggs implanted if not all were to be carried to term and then they'd go after today's safe and effective Birth Control Pill because it contaminates the womb so an already fertilized egg can't implant & grow causing the body to flush (abort) it.
All anyone has to do is listen and they know why things are as they are and why women can never go backwards again.