Well-Known Member
Given all of the above, how can we even think about giving the Taliban a part in the new government of Afganistan? And, if we don't, just how much longer are the American people going to be willing to fight a never ending war?
And, if the Taliban is not a terrorist organization, it is most certainly harboring terrorists and using them in its struggle to boot us out of Afghanistan and take over the country once again.
And how is a organization that plants cars bombs in time square...not a terrorist group?
I disagree about the Taliban not playing any role in the government of Afghanistan...I think its a fact we must deal with, while trying to get the most Radical out still. They had far to much power to start with and to much influence to completely get rid of them...like trying to get rid of all the Bathist in Iraq...with but a lot harder, with more support from people.