I know , the left is morally bad...
Yes, the Leftist ideology is immoral. Leftists are thugs, parasites, looters, who reject the very concept of doing for themselves and, instead, use the force of law to bully others and ingratiate themselves. Leftists demand that they be given what they have not earned, and do not deserve, while denigrating those who have earned it, and do deserve it, as being the immoral ones for not wanting to be looted.
while you claim war for Oil is good,
As usual, you didn't actually read what I wrote... I said no such thing. I have always opposed Iraq, they posed no threat to the US and "spreading democracy" has never been a justifiable excuse for going to war. Once again you're quoting me but speaking to your favorite strawman, the mythical Republican stereotype.
but saying people have a right to vote for there leaders...thats morally bad...
You can say it, simply saying it would not be immoral. However, forcing me to pay for, or even fight and die, so that citizens of
some other country (that pose ZERO threat to the United States) can have the "right" to vote for their leaders IS immoral.
I don't care whether they're Muslim, Christian, Jew or Atheist... The US government has no business going to war for the purpose of "spreading democracy", period.
So rather than viciously attacking your usual strawmen, perhaps you should take some time to learn about
Non-Interventionism. At least then you might be capable of addressing the foreign policy position I actually hold.
The party of life party that only cares about life when its pushed out of a woman behind the right border line.
Isn't that the party that created the Department of Redundancy Department?