We have Progressives to thank for interventionism becoming the norm in both parties. Both the Republican and Democrat parties are fervent interventionists but for different reasons. The Republicans want to get involved if they believe it's in our "national interest" to do so but because they want the latitude to use force on anyone, anywhere, anytime, they make sure the concept of "national interest" isn't narrowly defined but a broad concept open to interpretation. The Left considers it morally repugnant for the US to do absolutely anything that could even remotely be construed as being in our "national interest" (War for Oil!), instead they only want to get involved when the US has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose (Egypt being the most recent example).
Prior to Ron Paul, we have to go way back to AUH2O to find a Republican who upheld the traditional Republican values of Non-Intervention. I find that heartbreaking, Republicans were traditionally the Anti-War party. The Progressives in both parties have so thoroughly infiltrated both parties and effectively poisoned the well by equating non-intervention with isolationism that even suggesting we return to a foreign policy of non-intervention immediately results in hysterical rants attacking the proponent as being isolationist.
If anything is guilty of violating "human" rights, it's the Progressive ideology in it's brutal and relentless war to eradicate Individual Rights.