Two Party System = EPIC FAIL!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2012
"Because Romney and Obama are different only in degree, I wish the cabal of former leaders of the two major political parties that runs the debates would permit former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson to participate." --Judge Andrew Napolitano
Is it better to have a King and the Queen rule a country? Or is it better under a dictatorship? Like under Hugo Chavez for example
Is it better to have a King and the Queen rule a country? Or is it better under a dictatorship? Like under Hugo Chavez for example

What Does Hugo Chavez have to do with any of this??? To each their own. That's their business. Not ours.
Ron Paul is not on the ballots. I wonder why that is?!? Pot Heads...well thank god Marijuana is schedule 1 drug and is more dangerous then cocaine and meth.
Ron Paul is not on the ballots. I wonder why that is?!? Pot Heads...well thank god Marijuana is schedule 1 drug and is more dangerous then cocaine and meth.
I thought he was, he was last time in my state. But we have not gotten the new ballots so I don’t know that he is this time, I just assumed he was. But at least people know who he is. There are still lots of Ron Paul supporters out there you can tap.

Had Newt, tim pawlenty or Jon Huntsman got the nomination I would have voted 3d party for sure
Tea party people arent going away. Were gonna install people who will stop wasting our hard earned tax dollars and stop raising taxes.
did it evrr occur to you to explsin why one would want to vote for johnson ?
whining never works. people need reasons.

who is whining? Alright Dogtowner tell me why I should vote for either Romney or Obama? People deserve other choices to vote for then the two party system. Do your research on Libertarians from credible websites that tell you all about where we stand. It seems to me conservatives are more riled up about Libertarians then they are with Liberals. It's just something that I've noticed on this website ever since I signed up.
who is whining? Alright Dogtowner tell me why I should vote for either Romney or Obama? People deserve other choices to vote for then the two party system. Do your research on Libertarians from credible websites that tell you all about where we stand. It seems to me conservatives are more riled up about Libertarians then they are with Liberals. It's just something that I've noticed on this website ever since I signed up.
He asked you the same questions that I did and instead of answering you just turned it around and said "Alright Dogtowner tell me why I should vote for either Romney or Obama? "

Again, tell us why we should vote for Johnson and what we will get out of it when he doesnt win?
who is whining? Alright Dogtowner tell me why I should vote for either Romney or Obama? People deserve other choices to vote for then the two party system. Do your research on Libertarians from credible websites that tell you all about where we stand. It seems to me conservatives are more riled up about Libertarians then they are with Liberals. It's just something that I've noticed on this website ever since I signed up.

I already know so I'm not the issue. If you cannot advocate for your guy you do him a disservice.

Riled up ? You seem to be the riled up one. Seems to me you are more likely a lib trolling than a fan of Libertarianism as you have yet to make a case for it.

I realize its difficult to defend the LP platform in it's entirety but giving up completely is just lazy. Or craft.