Two Minutes with Ron Paul

Way before Darwin came along, breeders of dogs, cats and livestock had been using selective breeding to produce desired traits in animals and plants. Darwin studied animals such as Galapagos Island finches, and came to the conclusion that nature also uses selective breeding based on the ability of certain traits to allow animals to survive.

Bulldogs, chihuahuas, corgis, great Danes and labradoodles are all descended from wolves.
Evolution is a fact and the beauty of it is not one person including religion, has ever produced evidence to refute it.

There is no way of inventing "new ways" to evolution. It is 100% complete and the discoveries included in it will remain until the end of time.
Mockery of God is fueled by the fact that idiots who hate God cannot find a scientifically valid explanation for the origin of life on earth.
Way before Darwin came along, breeders of dogs, cats and livestock had been using selective breeding to produce desired traits in animals and plants. Darwin studied animals such as Galapagos Island finches, and came to the conclusion that nature also uses selective breeding based on the ability of certain traits to allow animals to survive.

Bulldogs, chihuahuas, corgis, great Danes and labradoodles are all descended from wolves.
Breed two humans of different races and you will get a mixed offspring, but none of that will ever prove DNA or life on earth invented itself without God.
Humans currently living on Earth are all members of the same race. homo habilis.
Darwin at no point ever claimed that life began spontaneously. Who believes it did? Why, fundamentalists believe this: God said, let there be wolves and <*poof!*> there were wolves!

Is it heresy to breed wolves into teacup Yorkies? Teacup Yorkies are clearly not part of God's plan.
Humans currently living on Earth are all members of the same race. homo habilis.
Darwin at no point ever claimed that life began spontaneously. Who believes it did? Why, fundamentalists believe this: God said, let there be wolves and <*poof!*> there were wolves!

Is it heresy to breed wolves into teacup Yorkies? Teacup Yorkies are clearly not part of God's plan.
Nobody in their right mind believes life created itself on earth without God.
Humans currently living on Earth are all members of the same race. homo habilis. People who claim there are presently different races of humans are racists.

Darwin at no point ever claimed that life began spontaneously. Who believes it did? Why, fundamentalists believe this: God said, let there be wolves and <*poof!*> there were wolves!

Is it heresy to breed wolves into teacup Yorkies? Teacup Yorkies are clearly not part of God's plan.
Darwin, of course, new nothing about DNA. He was describing the physical results of natural selection. He did not know how it worked, merely that it did work. Genetics has come a very very long way since Darwin and the 1850's.

You believe that Darwin claimed that life on Earth created itself. He did not. You believe that Darwin was an atheist, he was not.

It is possible to breed Glo Fish and even cats that glow in the dark.
Nobody in their right mind believes life created itself on earth without God.
That is a lie, it is the general consensus of most scientists that this is precisely how life began. There is no evidence that God exists and far, far less that the Biblical character called "God" ever existed.

Life would most likely have begun as a microorganism, such as a bacteria or a virus capable of replicating itself. Then it would have been bombarded by cosmic rays, as everything on this planet is, and that is how mutations come into being. The first living microorganisms cold have developed on Earth or perhaps elsewhere in the Universe.
That is a lie, it is the general consensus of most scientists that this is precisely how life began. There is no evidence that God exists and far, far less that the Biblical character called "God" ever existed.

Life would most likely have begun as a microorganism, such as a bacteria or a virus capable of replicating itself. Then it would have been bombarded by cosmic rays, as everything on this planet is, and that is how mutations come into being. The first living microorganisms cold have developed on Earth or perhaps elsewhere in the Universe.
No matter how many 'scientists' agree, the spontaneous emergence of life on earth without God is a scientific impossibility.
Science does not actually believe in impossibility.
The Universe is huge, there are many things that could affect the creation of life that do not occur on Earth, and of course, we do not know all the many factors that occur on Earth daily.

You have no clue how science works.
Mockery of God is fueled by the fact that idiots who hate God cannot find a scientifically valid explanation for the origin of life on earth.
Idiots who worship believe in immaculate conception and miracles and Virgin births as an explanation for worshipping a celestial dictator and having no intelligence.
Science does not actually believe in impossibility.
The Universe is huge, there are many things that could affect the creation of life that do not occur on Earth, and of course, we do not know all the many factors that occur on Earth daily.

You have no clue how science works.
You cannot disprove God created the universe and life on earth by simply believing some other cause must have done it although you have no scientifically valid clue what that cause could have been.
You cannot disprove God created the universe and life on earth by simply believing some other cause must have done it although you have no scientifically valid clue what that cause could have been.

there are plenty of science theories that are valid theories.
sorry you are such a science *****. lol