Yep we do have that also, its the price you pay when you live in a land where even the homeless are fat

we need for nothing unlike some other countries. If you have to be homeless this is the place to be, where even the homeless have to much food
I know Dawkin sometimes winds you up (occasionally purposely I feel), but I am afraid, in my personal opinion, you have no-one to blame but yourself for allowing yourself to be baited so much.
The worst aspect is, that Dawkin post's appear to have at least an element of truth in them for the most part, whereas you rush in with a highly charged purely emotional response and make yourself look more than a little silly at times.
The truth of the matter is and any respectable stats, anywhere will support the following;
That those at most risk of obesity are those who fall within the most vulnerable segment of western society, in other words, the poor.
All available statistics show and have consistently shown over time, that those individuals on a low income are significantly more likely to be overweight, or obese than those who are financially comfortable.
Food education is also a key factor here with the same outcomes as the very poor are very often also poorly educated.
It appears absolutely clear to me Obamanation, one only has to do a little research at ones own supermarket.
You, I am sure have often noticed that the healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, fish and quality lean meats are far more expensive than foods loaded with saturated fat and with a high calorific value, such as biscuits, cookies, cheap but very fatty pieces of meat and frozen dinners.
Your insistence that even the homeless are well fed is a nonsense quite frankly.