Are you telling me that putting money in the stock market, even in a crash, results in a worse return that SS gets you? (SS gets about 1%)
Further, if people have any idea how to actually invest, they will keep portions in cash, bonds, funds, stocks, and CDs. Sure the market downturn has hurt a lot of people, but how about people who are now buying at these discounts?
If I make the same argument when the market has turned around that "hey look we are up 10% this year" it still means little. The market swings in cycles, but over a 40 year period, it is pretty hard to not turn a profit. Further, splitting your money between stocks and guaranteed investments means you will not go broke when a down cycle comes.
What you are doing is talking from a position of someone who knows what to do and are trying to project that same thing will happen with everyone. This would not be the case.
And what of those that didn't invest perfectly and are elderly and retired without income and need that money right then when the market tanks? Screw them they just weren't smart enough to survive!

I've said this a 100 times before. If your Bushie plan (scheme)

S.S. is a program set up to ensure the principle. And would have always easily been very capable at doing that were it not for repeated raiding of that fund (tells ya where the money was in hard times).
Again... it's not going to be dissolved it's going to be adjusted for age & shored up so this is all mute.