Trump Embraces Authoritarian Playbook of Hungary's Orbán


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
when they came for the communists, i did nothing because i was not a communist

revealing look, by someone who lived through it, in the country, of how orban destroyed
democracy in hungary

"..The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity.

The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other "

Bertrand Russell: Freedom

comrade stalin
The problem with a tard complaining about authoritarianism is that they are the ultimate authoritarians.

What civil liberty do you ever defend? What rights to you advocate for? You are just a slob.
Your post says nothing.

i can understand that.

after all, you have shown that you are an authority on saying nothing

i bet you did not even watch the video

what would a princeton professor know after spending years in hungary

Kim Lane Scheppele is an American scholar of law and politics. She is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and International Affairs in the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University

Scheppele is an expert on authoritarian regimes, as well as Hungarian and Poland's politics and law.

Early life and education​

She received her PhD in sociology from the University of Chicago (1985) and her A.B. in urban studies from Barnard College (1975).


Scheppele was at the University of Michigan from 1984 to 1996, and was an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor from 1993 until her departure for Penn.

Kim Lane Scheppele is an American scholar of law and politics. She is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and International Affairs in the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University.<a href=""><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></a>

Scheppele worked in Hungary in the 1990s, during which time she met Viktor Orbán and learned Hungarian. During the socialist-liberal coalition government of Gyula Horn, she was a researcher at the Constitutional Court and served as an expert advisor to the constitutional drafting committee of the Hungarian Parliament in 1995-1996.

comrade stalin
Tell us exactly what Trump has done that is the same as what Orban and why it is bad.

You are aware that Hungary is a land locked country of just 10 million people right?
Orban has shut down the free press, arrested opponents and has manipulated elections and made Hungary a one party state by blaming the immigrants and George Soros.

It makes no difference that Hungary has a smaller population and no seaports.
Tell us exactly what Trump has done that is the same as what Orban and why it is bad.

You are aware that Hungary is a land locked country of just 10 million people right?
They can't! They repeat talking points of their hive masters but if you ask them follow up questions they become deer in headlights
Thank goodness the morons on the left are no longer calling the shots!
Orban has shut down the free press, arrested opponents and has manipulated elections and made Hungary a one party state by blaming the immigrants and George Soros.

It makes no difference that Hungary has a smaller population and no seaports.

Trump did none of that you cretin.

What free press has been shut down? How are we a one party state? You are just pissed that he won.

I have issues with how a lot of people in this country think on both sides. Trump is in power now and it is important that people have a right to challenge what he does and oppose it.
Trump did none of that you cretin.

What free press has been shut down? How are we a one party state? You are just pissed that he won.

I have issues with how a lot of people in this country think on both sides. Trump is in power now and it is important that people have a right to challenge what he does and oppose it.
Shitshizpants constantly talks about suing the media and calls for Sixty Minutes and others that oppose his wacky statements. He banned a reporter from thew White House Press conference for refusing to use the bogus term "Gulf of America". He would LIKE to do all that Orban has done in Hungary, there is no denying that. Trump HATES democracy.
Shitshizpants constantly talks about suing the media and calls for Sixty Minutes and others that oppose his wacky statements. He banned a reporter from thew White House Press conference for refusing to use the bogus term "Gulf of America". He would LIKE to do all that Orban has done in Hungary, there is no denying that. Trump HATES democracy.

He banned one reporter? So where are the death camps? The gulags? Name a journalist who was murdered by Trump.

So you short bus people have no concern about civil liberties in Ukraine but are obsessed about Hungary?

Interesting. When Joe Biden took office our rating in press freedom was 76.15. When he left it was 66.59. Biden must be using the Orbán playbook.

It should be 90 regardless who is in power.
Blackadder-the-third-blackadder-11211221-500-339[1].webp Thank goodness the morons on the left are no longer calling the shots!
"The House could vote Tuesday on a budget resolution that would lay the framework for President Donald Trump's agenda, extending Trump's 2017 tax cuts and boosting defense spending in exchange for trillions in spending curbs—but GOP divisions could imperil the bill, which marks the first major test of the new Congress.
The plan calls for $
2 Trillion in overall spending cuts over the next decade to help pay for $4.5 Trillion in tax cuts as an extension of Trump’s 2017 tax cuts set to expire this year, along with increases to defense and border spending."