Well-Known Member
In fact, there are many conservatives who want ot destroy, or at least greatly weaken the safety net. Just about the entire repugnican
party wants to. They have this loaded term called "entitlements", implying that poor people or those down on their luck want the government to provide everything for them and that htey don't want to work.
If the repugnican party got its way, it would be disastrous for many innocent Americans, including children.
If Romney wins, he will no doubt greatly decrease government help for young people who want to get college, graduate,law or medical degrees, which will just be shooting America in the leg. We need well-educated people in th e fields of medicine and science badly in order to remain competitive in the world . Providing more funding for young people to get good educations is GOOD for America. Without it,
many talented and hard-working young people will not get the chance to make great contribiutions to America and the world.
I'm convinced that Romeny, even though he means well, will cave in to the right-wing extremists and do an enormous amount of harm to America. '
It's very bad for America to have so many people stuck indefinitely on welfare . But we will never be able to do something about this problem unless the government makes it possible for them to find jobs which pay enough for them to become solid citizens .
But repugnicans always blame the victims, and offer absolutely no solution to the problem of welfare other than saying, "Go out an dget jobs,you lazy bums "! If only it were that easy for them to do this !
Despite all the adulation conservatives have for the late Ronald Reagan, h9is presidency actually increased poverty greatly in America.
He had heard wildly exaggerated stories of welfare fraud and unemployed people supposedly living high off the hog through welfare.
Welfare fraud certainly exists , but it's never been that bad . So what did he do? He greatly reduced help for the poor, and many
people suffered greatly because of this.
Quit being a pansy. Stop demanding that someone else provide for YOU. Provide for yourself.
Government does not exist to provide it's citizens with freebies. But, apparently lefties like you think it does. Why are you so feeble and weak that you demand someone else support you?
Why have you failed to understand this from Benjamin Franklin -
They who can give up essential
to obtain a little temporary safety
nor safety.
While our nation is self destructing under trillions of dollars of debt, thanks to progressives and libs, people like you demand more. Why?
You make many accusations in your post, but fail to back any of it up with reliable sources. Why?