Time To Take The Keys Away

Slant Eyed Polack

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2024
One of the harder things I had to do over the last decade was take my dad's car keys away. There will come a time when my family will need to do the same with me. I'd like to believe I'll be sharp & reasonable enough to relinquish them voluntarily. On the other hand, I know how stubborn I can be. If it comes to that, my family will need to force the issue.

The American family now has to confront that same issue, and the stakes are exponentially higher than whether or not Biden should be driving his Corvette. The nuclear football was onsite at the debate, handcuffed to the wrist of a military officer.

If the fit hits the shan today or tomorrow, or next week or next month, or August, September, October... the weight of those cataclysmic decisions - that will need to made in 7 minutes or less - fall to a man who can barely express a single coherent thought.

Whether you like or loathe DJT - I lean toward loathing - should have no bearing on that reality.
One of the harder things I had to do over the last decade was take my dad's car keys away. There will come a time when my family will need to do the same with me. I'd like to believe I'll be sharp & reasonable enough to relinquish them voluntarily. On the other hand, I know how stubborn I can be. If it comes to that, my family will need to force the issue.

The American family now has to confront that same issue, and the stakes are exponentially higher than whether or not Biden should be driving his Corvette. The nuclear football was onsite at the debate, handcuffed to the wrist of a military officer.

If the fit hits the shan today or tomorrow, or next week or next month, or August, September, October... the weight of those cataclysmic decisions - that will need to made in 7 minutes or less - fall to a man who can barely express a single coherent thought.

Whether you like or loathe DJT - I lean toward loathing - should have no bearing on that reality.
My father and mother have issues with dementia so did my grandfather. Its hard to deal with and hard to accept .
One of the harder things I had to do over the last decade was take my dad's car keys away. There will come a time when my family will need to do the same with me. I'd like to believe I'll be sharp & reasonable enough to relinquish them voluntarily. On the other hand, I know how stubborn I can be. If it comes to that, my family will need to force the issue.

The American family now has to confront that same issue, and the stakes are exponentially higher than whether or not Biden should be driving his Corvette. The nuclear football was onsite at the debate, handcuffed to the wrist of a military officer.

If the fit hits the shan today or tomorrow, or next week or next month, or August, September, October... the weight of those cataclysmic decisions - that will need to made in 7 minutes or less - fall to a man who can barely express a single coherent thought.

Whether you like or loathe DJT - I lean toward loathing - should have no bearing on that reality.
Biden should be forced to clean out all the top secret government documents from the backseat and trunk of his car before being allowed to take it out for another risky spin in the future.
Biden has not been given even one traffic ticket, you dolt.
He invited the FBI to search hs home and he willingly turned over all the documents.

Unlike Trump who said they were all his property, then said that he had turned them all over when they were still scattered all over Mar A Lago. Trump is a liar and a thief his fat ass belongs in prison.
Biden has not been given even one traffic ticket, you dolt.
He invited the FBI to search hs home and he willingly turned over all the documents.
Biden could make any excuse for his tyheft of secret government documents and his leftist pals in government and in the leftist media would fully cover for him.
Unlike Trump who said they were all his property, then said that he had turned them all over when they were still scattered all over Mar A Lago. Trump is a liar and a thief his fat ass belongs in prison.
Clinton had documents just like Trump had but the leftist court judge said an ex-president could keep any documents he wanted to because he had the power to simply declassify them and thgus make them free to keep.
Biden could make any excuse for his tyheft of secret government documents and his leftist pals in government and in the leftist media would fully cover for him.

Clinton had documents just like Trump had but the leftist court judge said an ex-president could keep any documents he wanted to because he had the power to simply declassify them and thgus make them free to keep.
I think I'll need a quote proving your claim about what the so-called leftist judge said exactly not just your biased interpretation of it but we won't get that from you because you will just keep lying God hates when you lie
I think I'll need a quote proving your claim about what the so-called leftist judge said exactly not just your biased interpretation of it but we won't get that from you because you will just keep lying God hates when you lie
Look it up for yourself. Far left judge Amy Berman Jackson's dismissal of charges against Bill Clinton for retaining possession of government documents. I just googled it and this is one of many results that popped up:

Look it up for yourself. Far left judge Amy Berman Jackson's dismissal of charges against Bill Clinton for retaining possession of government documents. I just googled it and this is one of many results that popped up:

That doesn't prove what you claimed
God you are such a lazy liar lol
Biden could make any excuse for his tyheft of secret government documents and his leftist pals in government and in the leftist media would fully cover for him.

Clinton had documents just like Trump had but the leftist court judge said an ex-president could keep any documents he wanted to because he had the power to simply declassify them and thgus make them free to keep.
But no mention of the right wing godbothering SC judges who took bribes and gave Trump immunity.
How coincidental.
But no mention of the right wing godbothering SC judges who took bribes and gave Trump immunity.
How coincidental.
I see how it is. Those SCOTUS justices who do not rubber stamp unconstitutional democrat beliefs and practices are corrupt and should be impeached. Ammiright?
Devils hate good men and slander them unjustly.
The sumbitch took million dollar vacations paid for by a rich guy. He has a YUGE PERSONAL BUS that he cruises all over with, and he paid not a dime for it, nor did he declare it on his income tax.

Clarence Thomas is NOT a Good Man, he is a corrupt lying asshole, cheating us all.