thread for conservatives?

Oh Boy Now that's a waste of energy typing:( You are entitled to your opinion about the War Criminal,but I have my opinion also, and to me Bush is a BIG cloud of dust. Do you have a Son or Daughter,a Loveone,or a friend who is in Iraq? I don't think you do.

I am in Iraq and you are dead wrong on the war.
anyway I suppose opinion's are just opinions, but some people do not know what is really happening around here

Like you and your liberal friends who haven't ever been to Iraq, haven't ever been in combat, have never been in the have no idea. Your information is force fed to you by the liberal media, Daily Kos, Democratic Underground...other people who know nothing about Iraq. Why don't you go back to concerning yourselves w/ minimum wage and Black History month and leave the job to the professionals -- the people who have a backbone and know first hand what's good for the country.

Guerilla wars take time. House-to-house clearing takes time. Wwe were in Germany following WW2 for close to 50 years.
Hmmm....Oliver North, and the organization sponsoring veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, disagree with you.

Are they wrong too?

That is ridiculous. There were no casualties after the terms were signed after World War II. You are comparing apples and oranges here.

......unless the American occupation forces have suddenly gotten sloppy in the last 50 years.

Perhaps there IS something to the baby boomer's calling themselves "The Greatest Generation."

Ad hominim is no way to win an argument, your assumption that liberals have the inability to fight in wars is not only an attack on us non fighting liberals, but an attack on those that align them selves to the left and are indeed in the military, so show some respect for your fellow soldiers and engage in debate by talking the issues instead of flaming people for having opinions.

Your attack on the "liberal media" is a typical argumentative fallacy where you try to attack a source that you disagree with and attempt to make it lose its credibility. Sir if you have noticed as reported in the liberal media, its not just the media that is saying this war was conducted poorly, it has been people all over, including many US military leaders whose allegiance is to their country and the soldiers they lead, not any political party with a certain ideology.

And what exactly do you have against minimum wage and black history month?

Like you and your liberal friends who haven't ever been to Iraq, haven't ever been in combat, have never been in the have no idea. Your information is force fed to you by the liberal media, Daily Kos, Democratic Underground...other people who know nothing about Iraq. Why don't you go back to concerning yourselves w/ minimum wage and Black History month and leave the job to the professionals -- the people who have a backbone and know first hand what's good for the country.

Guerilla wars take time. House-to-house clearing takes time. Wwe were in Germany following WW2 for close to 50 years.
Ad hominim is no way to win an argument, your assumption that liberals have the inability to fight in wars is not only an attack on us non fighting liberals, but an attack on those that align them selves to the left and are indeed in the military, so show some respect for your fellow soldiers and engage in debate by talking the issues instead of flaming people for having opinions.

My apologies. While I respect and fight for your freedom of speech, I get annoyed when you use it to talk about something of which you are wildly uniformed.

Your attack on the "liberal media" is a typical argumentative fallacy where you try to attack a source that you disagree with and attempt to make it lose its credibility. Sir if you have noticed as reported in the liberal media, its not just the media that is saying this war was conducted poorly, it has been people all over, including many US military leaders whose allegiance is to their country and the soldiers they lead, not any political party with a certain ideology.

I have my own quips with the war. Not enough troops, not aggressive enough, to PC and "tolerant" of Islam. That's not how wars are fought. My oh my, if you all lived back in WW1, WW2, or the Korean War and got a hand on those death tolls, you would've had us fleeing so fast the enemy would be upset that they didn't get to do any fighting.

And what exactly do you have against minimum wage and black history month?

They're both stupid, petty, pointless, and distract from real issues.
I've discussed minimum elsewhere on this board and black history month is just as dumb as women's history month, gay day, and all this other crap.

One thing I'll never understand is why so many Americans embrace diversity over unity.
This is answering Curefiend, You have asked a very good question about bush, and when someone can tell me something that he has done "great". I will be utterly stunned. I can name the great amount of lives we lost. The great amount of money we have spent, and the great amount of hate we have endured, because of him...But I am still waiting for the best of the "great"...i will be there for it, and it's going to be this time next year, and will be the GREAT amount of smiles and applause heard everywhere when he steps down as our leader...!
This is answering Curefiend, You have asked a very good question about bush, and when someone can tell me something that he has done "great". I will be utterly stunned. I can name the great amount of lives we lost. The great amount of money we have spent, and the great amount of hate we have endured, because of him...But I am still waiting for the best of the "great"...i will be there for it, and it's going to be this time next year, and will be the GREAT amount of smiles and applause heard everywhere when he steps down as our leader...!


I don't think there would be great amount of smiles and applause.


That'd be pretty funny if it happened though.