Thoughts on OBama?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2006
What does everyone think of Barack Obama? Do you think he'll be the Democratic front runner?
I don't think he'll be the frontrunner this time around, but perhaps next time. He will be very close to the front in my opinion, though. He seems like he has tons of potential, we'll just have to wait and see what develops.
I think he will be a front runner myself. He seems to have a lot of people behind him. But I guess you are right we will have to wait and see. I actually have not seen a whole lot on where he stands on certain issues.
I wish I knew who he was. He seems to have just sprang up out of nowhere in the past few weeks. (at least from out here in Colorado anyway) I hope he turns into a solid candidate though, a competative primary will only make the democrats stronger going into the election.
He's been around for about a year now, but he really has a penchant for connecting with the people. Polls also show that America is ready for a black/woman President. I think this is the PERFECT oppotunity for Obama to establish his base, and get elected in 2008. I'll still vote Green in 2008, but if he gets elected, I'll probably be most excited. I also wouldn't mind Gore coming back. :)
Please, if Gore got back into office, I'd probably see if I could move to Australia. The man has lost all sense of reality. I can't imagine what would have happened if he had been in office when 9/11 happened. He'd have probably let the Islamic terrorists take over the country.
He's MUCH more logical and charismatic than any other President elect in the past few decades. It may seem to many like he's gone off the deep end, but what's considered 'normal' or 'acceptable' isn't always right, and as a matter of fact, rarely is. Gore is an intelligent activist with a penchant for connecting to the people through techniques other than lies and half-truths.
I'm not sure I could get behind Gore as being more charismatic than say Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan, both presidents in the past few decades. I think even most democrats will say in terms of being able to connect with people, Regan hasn't been matched in modern times.

I might buy he's more logical, though the only thing I know about his personal positions at this point is his climate change stance. He didn't really make himself prominent enough under Clinton for most people to form an oppinion I'd bet.
Obama gave the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention and I think that's when the momentum started. I'd like to hear more about him because I think he could go far, maybe not in 2008 but after that seems reasonable.
Gore is an intelligent activist with a penchant for connecting to the people through techniques other than lies and half-truths.

How can you say that Gore doesn't use lies and half-truths? When he was running for president, he said something about being the basis for the movie, "A Love Story" and that he'd helped create the internet? Neither of those, are true, by the way. Does that make him a liar? I'd say it does.
He actually did contribute to the evolution of the internet. He individually didn't create the internet. And I don't recall anything about the movie you mentioned, but then again, I was only a child!
Now that is a new one. I have never heard anything about him saying he was the basis of the movie "Love Story"? Where was it that he said this?
How can you say that Gore doesn't use lies and half-truths? When he was running for president, he said something about being the basis for the movie, "A Love Story" and that he'd helped create the internet? Neither of those, are true, by the way. Does that make him a liar? I'd say it does.

Poor Al. His big mistake was in not refuting what other people said about him. There's a good explantion of both of those situations here: He never said he invented the internet and the Love Story one is true.

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