Do you think anyone will come from behind?

Sorry, stakes aren't high enough :P

Andy: I'll let you have benefit of the doubt until I am motivated enough to find sources (foiled by my laziness!!!) because whilst her ambitious nature is in fact outlined and examined in the TIME article you may be citing, the other sources I have were from TV news programs, and I'll probably have to go a-lookin through archives to find them.

But I'll offer this for now: When I say ruthless, I mean that people will note her career path over the years and wonder. I'm having second thoughts about using the word ruthless (so good spotting), and replacing that with ambitious- a question I have seen asked is what her agenda actually is...would she be seeking power as an ends in itself?

Me? I honestly don't know the answer to that. I don't know enough about Condi.
I would agree with you that she is ambitious. You would have to be ambitious to obtain her position in the Government. She has put everything else in her life on hold in order to get to the places she wants in her career. Definitely ambitious. My challenge came with the word ruthless.

As far as her agenda, I think it depends on if you are asking about her career, or her political career. In politics, I think her agenda would be very similar to George W. Bush. On a career level, she has said that her dream job would be President of the NFL. I am hoping she is willing to put that aside for a while.
I was surprised when I read on here that she had chose not to run. I to think that she is an ambitious women and you would need to be ambitious to run for the presidency. That being said I would have to think that she would have the vote of most of the Republicans but then she would also lose a lot of votes because she is so aligned with Bush's policies. Which right now I have a feeling would only hurt a candidate.
To simplify what I said: I think that Condi is being sensible with her ambition as far as one regards ambition- she probably has a good sense of timing.
Is it just me, or was there a lot more of John Edwards on all the news shows this past week? it seemed as if every time I made a sweep around the channels, he was on at least one or two.