Thought it was our President for a second!

Is how we want to be perceived in the world? Is this the man we want our President to have a like minded opinion with? You tell me?:confused:

From the Article:

Chavez's own economic program to institute socialism in Venezuela could slow as his country's oil-dependent economy suffers from falling crude prices. Inflation there has soared above 30 percent, eroding Venezuelans' salaries.

In his decade in power, Chavez has boosted state control over the economy and spent heavily on social programs meant to increase his popularity.

Instituting socialism.. State control over the economy... Heavy spending on social programs in an attempt to increase popularity.... We don't yet have 30% inflation but Obama and Geitner are working on printing enough money to reach at least 30%....

Sounds like Chavez is just pissed that Obama is using the same economic strategy and not giving Hugo credit!
Just so that I get this right, you think that the economic, social and political policies of Chavez are the same as those of Obama?
Do you know who Raila Odinga is?


Any of that sound familiar?