I thought he broke the disorderly conduct law?
Obviously not... that's why they dropped the charges just a few hours later.
Either way I am glad you agree he was being an ass.
Its all over now isnt it? obama is having a beer with everyone or something.
Yeh I mean we've all been (or at least I've been) in situations where the Cops were giving you a hard time on something that wasn't your fault and when it's you it really pisses you off.
I had a situation similar to this with my ex-wife years & years ago. We were completely split up and living apart our divorce was final. She shows up on Christmas eve drunk. I let her in and she goes after my new girlfriend, knocks over the Christmas tree and while I'm holding her back the girlfriend calls the Cops.
Cops come and start feeling sorry for the ex and starts giving me BS about holding her down till they got there. I'm like F you! She comes to my home on Christmas eve, drunk, tries to attack my friend, tears down the Christmas tree in front of my daughter and you just wanted me to just let her keep doing it till you get here? You must be insane. And I got their badge numbers and they were pissed. They didn't take me to jail though. And I did go in the next day, made a formal complaint and a very negative incident report was put into their files. Which made them even more mad but I didn't care.
These things just happen sometimes when emotions are running high.
And yes it's now Miller Time!