Thomas Jefferson and Equality: Making America

Of course you are correct. But remember, Pedo-Pjmret his not here for facts, discussion, or any mature debate. He is here to disrupt, destroy, and be a general asshole. He is the quintessential Leftist, destroying everything of value while having no values himself

i'm here trying to get you to answer the question of why jefferson didn't free his own slaves.

but you are too stupid, or too cowardly, to do so. lol
this doesn't explain why jefferson kept his slaves.

Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery

Thomas Jefferson called slavery a “moral depravity” and a “hideous blot,” but continued to hold human beings as property his entire adult life.

he was a money loving hypocrite.

OP: explain why if jefferson truly believed that all men were created equal and endowed with rights, why didn't he release his PERSONAL slaves? Nothing stopped him from doing so.

You have convinced me. I will not be voting for Jefferson ever!

or the guy you folks have yet to prove wrong

LOL! You are the punkass bitch who could not refute one single thing I have said in the politics section. Your bitch ass has a lot of nerve saying this. Everything you say is wrong, and most of what you say is just the whining and crying of a little girl.
Thread topic:

Thomas Jefferson and Equality: Making America

“All men are created equal…” So says the Declaration of Independence, eloquently penned by Thomas Jefferson. But how do we reconcile the obvious contradiction between Jefferson's words about freedom and his actions as a slave owner? Dinesh D’Souza answers this question.

The Genius of Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln admired him. So did Franklin Roosevelt. So did John F. Kennedy. Dozens of other presidents expressed similar sentiments. They were talking about Thomas Jefferson, America’s third president. Carol Swain explores why their praise was so well deserved.

Thomas Jefferson and Equality: Making America

“All men are created equal…” So says the Declaration of Independence, eloquently penned by Thomas Jefferson. But how do we reconcile the obvious contradiction between Jefferson's words about freedom and his actions as a slave owner? Dinesh D’Souza answers this question.

That's easy. Like all republicans he was a hypocrite.
you expect us only to talk about current candidates? lol.

the OP started a thread about jefferson, i answered it. duh

Over your head? The point is what do we do about it and why does it matter today? You want to use it as some excuse for people to hate their own country. Germans and Japanese do not hate their countries from what they did 75 years ago but libtards want us to hate our country over what imperfections and hypocrisies we had 250 years ago.

Your heroes Joe Biden and Kamala have ancestors who owned slaves. You voted for them! Racist!
Are we a country of ideals or perfect leadership?

Should I despise our country because our current president took showers with his daughter and bribes through his crack head son?

I commend Real news because he loves his country and believes we should honor those who gave us these laws and these ideals. I disagree that we need to gloss over anything they did wrong or any imperfections. We can accept them.

What are the motives of the board libtards?