Why do they object to labeling themselves?
I hear people on the Left, and its
always people on the Left, say something along the lines of: "I don't like labels" or "I'm not going to label myself", something like that... I submit to you that it is a cop out to avoid labeling their political ideology because to do so requires introspective analysis and they don't like having to admit to where their political ideology stands.
Conservatives are proud to be Conservatives and freely declare their position.... Same with Libertarians... Same with Religious and Non-Religious people. I don't know that I've ever met a Libertarian, Conservative, Atheist, Christian etc. who wasn't proud to let others know that's what he believed.
Don't see that so much with Liberalism or Socialism... I don't see any liberals or socialists laying out their beliefs with pride - unless it's a religious viewpoint; like the Liberal/socialist who will "Label" himself Athiest but objects to being labeled a Liberal, or a Socialist, or an Anti-Theist!
PLC, Pragmatic Libertarian Conservative
CaLiCo, Capitalist Libertarian Conservative
I think most people who really are Liberals, in the classic definition of the word... are now among the Libertarians because the Democrat party has gone so far Left. The Libertarians and Liberals are now in the center.
Hey people on the Left... Where do you fit in on these?
Going farther Left:
We are still in Free Markets and Individual Liberty trumping the Socialist Collective... Lets go farther Left:
Progressives have almost completely abandoned the idea of Free Markets and Individual Freedom, they are willing to sacrifice both to a controlled economy and the "Greater Good". Basically, Socialism Lite.
Still farther left:
Socialist are the Hard Left. Are any of you Socialist? Social Democrats reside among the Socialists and you know them better as... the New Democrat Party.
Capitalism is denounced as unfair and this objection manifests itself in class warfare rhetoric - "
Senator Obama also recognizes that a system riddled with tax subsidies is not perceived as fair because people rightly worry that the rich or more sophisticated are taking advantage of benefits they cannot enjoy. Accordingly, he advocates eliminating many of these special tax breaks, thereby also eliminating the economic distortions that they create."
We, the United States, have gone a spree of Nationalizing industries in the last few months:
Dennis Kucinich (sounding like Sihouette) and,
outed Socialist, Maxine Waters are calling for the US to nationalize the US Oil industry to compliment the newly Nationalized Banking industry (Bailout) and Insurance Industry (AIG).
Americans don't like Socialism, we instinctively reject it because we know its a failure responsible for horrific suffering and doomed to devolve into an authoritarian state. So.... Socialism went to Hollywood and got a facelift to find acceptance among the American public.
The Progressive Movement was reborn in the late 80's early 90's to incorporate Socialist policy as environmental imperatives. Coupled with the Green Movement, Progressivism has since grown to such popularity that Socialist policy can now be considered mainstream despite their views being antithetical to our founding... Individual Rights and Liberties, Free Markets, Limited Government and a Right to Property - intellectual, tangible and pecuniary.