This isnt what she was saying when she ran before what changed

Sounds like she makes sense. Why didn't Congress pass the n
Bill oh because Trump was pro trump
Kackles has not changed, but her makeover artists and muddled speech writers try to make her look like she has.
Because trump objected to passing a bipartisan immigration bill that she wants congress to work on duh
You whine endlessly about immigrants but won't criticize trump for opposing the bill duh
Harris and the rest of the anti-American seditionists dishonestly claim their increased funding for increased immigration bill was supposed to close the border they opened up by destroying Trump's border control organization like fascist dictators on day one, nearly four long expensive troublesome years ago.
Consistency is the hobgoblin of tiny minds.

Congress needs to pass the immigration bill
Congress needs to trash the democrat immigration bill designed to dump more billions of dollars into enabling more millions of illegal immigrants to illegally flood into the US.
What has any immigrant ever done to affect you in any way?
I doubt you have even seen an immigrant.
I have housed immigrants in my houise and hired them to work in my business because I don't give a flip about stupid laws that welcome immigrants into the US and then make it illegal to hire them so they can feed their families.
Because trump objected to passing a bipartisan immigration bill that she wants congress to work on duh
You whine endlessly about immigrants but won't criticize trump for opposing the bill duh

First off it was a bad bill and it sucked. But all those illegals didn't come in when he was president now did they.
What stopped Biden from using executive privilege and why did he allow criminals in knowing they were rapist and murders.

He know they were killers terror suspects and murders and rapist some he even flew in that were previously not allowed .
What's next you going to blame him for joes mind being screwed up ?
Stop blaming trump for a situation that JOE And Giggles created and helped. You always try to blame someone elese for what joe did but guess what its not working maybe in your little screed up American hating mind it was trumps fault but its not and you know it and are to big a butt kissing lying coward to admit it.
Harris and the rest of the anti-American seditionists dishonestly claim their increased funding for increased immigration bill was supposed to close the border they opened up by destroying Trump's border control organization like fascist dictators on day one, nearly four long expensive troublesome years ago.
Quote them saying the border would be closed