We’ve all had run-ins with loud and controlling personalities that think they know-it-all about everything... You look for trouble before there is any. Some how you think it’s your job to tell us what know in a very rude way. Just a few minutes reading a big-mouths personalities might tempt some to run the other way and never return. Are we to become a victim to your barrages? Do we stop responding? Or, are there ways we can manage you? We could point out to you how what they say affects us, but certainly we can’t change it. When you are corrected for your abuse of others, you resort to blaming us for being overly-sensitive.I meant the Cuba we know today as a communist shithole,. But, I have to admire a tiny little island making you Americans their bitches for oh so long.
edited for personal attack
Chances are, the way your big-mouth treat us, is the way you treat countless others. If you could just step outside and see yourself as others see you, you might be mortified, but something seems to prevent you from doing that. You have a great need to be the only one in the room that is right and in control...
While big-mouth’s think they’re being helpful by offering unsolicited criticism or advice, we see it as disrespect.
After doing a little research I am suppose to Compliment you. Because there's nothing a narcissists like more, than to feel important and liked. If I can put you in a good mood, you might decide not to attack. I am now suppose to Look for something we have in common and comment about something good you do...This is so much fun...