I am not sure Saxon is serious. I think he forgets Hitler lost the war. It is true that " Americans have intervened in more affairs over the decades than THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED!!". This is because they are a world power with a huge miltary. The Military always wants frequent wars to test new weapons. The USA has been at war every twenty years in the last two centuries. Britian before that did the same.
The North Korean military has the power. Kim Yong as no base of his own unlike his predecessors. He has to prove to the military he is tough. However this can get out of hand.
We do not need an American President doing the same thing. The USA has been in mainly failed wars since WW2. They could not even defeat Cuba despite numerous attempts. If people are prepared to fight for their country to the death you will never get defeated. This is why Hitler lost, The Russians were prepared to do this.
The US never invaded Cuba.
The Russians were not 'prepared' to do this. They were FORCED to do it. Remember, if the soldiers or even civilians refused to fight, they were executed on the spot. There is a difference between being 'prepared' and having a fucking rifle muzzle pressed against your temple and told to 'move your fucking ass into the line of fire, or die!'