There goes the god theory.

So who created the neutrino according to the report?

Dorky doo doo

Pauli's proposal[edit]​

The neutrino[a] was postulated first by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930 to explain how beta decay could conserve energy, momentum, and angular momentum (spin). In contrast to Niels Bohr, who proposed a statistical version of the conservation laws to explain the observed continuous energy spectra in beta decay, Pauli hypothesized an undetected particle that he called a "neutron", using the same -on ending employed for naming both the proton and the electron. He considered that the new particle was emitted from the nucleus together with the electron or beta particle in the process of beta decay and had a mass similar to the electron.[18]

Pauli's proposal[edit]​

The neutrino[a] was postulated first by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930 to explain how beta decay could conserve energy, momentum, and angular momentum (spin). In contrast to Niels Bohr, who proposed a statistical version of the conservation laws to explain the observed continuous energy spectra in beta decay, Pauli hypothesized an undetected particle that he called a "neutron", using the same -on ending employed for naming both the proton and the electron. He considered that the new particle was emitted from the nucleus together with the electron or beta particle in the process of beta decay and had a mass similar to the electron.[18]
LOL so mark francis the retard does not know the difference between postulated and created. Seriously kid you have no concept of stupid
LOL so mark francis the retard does not know the difference between postulated and created. Seriously kid you have no concept of stupid
My bad. I used the word "created." The word the experts used was not "created," but "invented." Please accept my apologies.

The Solar FAQ: Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Oddities (

The Solar FAQ

Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Oddities

Copyright © 1998-2003

[Text last updated: January 10, 2003]

[Links updated: July 27, 2003]

What are neutrinos?

Interestingly enough, the neutrino was first invented as an ad hoc hypothesis, in order to save the laws of conservation of energy and momentum from falsification. Around 1930, in the first detailed studies of radioactive beta-decays, it was found that some energy and momentum went missing in each decay. Beta decay involves the conversion of a neutron into a proton, accompanied by the emission of an electron, and nothing else visible. The energy carried away by the electron ought to match the energy released by the atom in the process – but it didn't! Wolfgang Pauli proposed to explain this discrepancy by postulating that an additional, invisible particle was emitted along with the electron, carrying away the missing energy and momentum. This "ghost particle" was named neutrino. (For some of Pauli's original musings about the neutrino, see Mössbauer (1998).)

Now, ad hoc hypotheses, invented purely to save our favorite theories, are generally frowned upon in science, and for good reason. But the neutrino hypothesis was ultimately vindicated, when the ghost particle was finally demonstrated to have a real existence, more than twenty years later. Today, the neutrino is well established as partner to the electron in our standard theory of elementary particles. It has the same basic properties as the electron, and participates in the same interactions, except that it lacks an electric charge, and has a nearly zero mass.
My bad. I used the word "created." The word the experts used was not "created," but "invented." Please accept my apologies.

The Solar FAQ: Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Oddities (

The Solar FAQ

Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Oddities

by Sverker Johansson

Copyright © 1998-2003

[Text last updated: January 10, 2003]

[Links updated: July 27, 2003]

What are neutrinos?

Interestingly enough, the neutrino was first invented as an ad hoc hypothesis, in order to save the laws of conservation of energy and momentum from falsification. Around 1930, in the first detailed studies of radioactive beta-decays, it was found that some energy and momentum went missing in each decay. Beta decay involves the conversion of a neutron into a proton, accompanied by the emission of an electron, and nothing else visible. The energy carried away by the electron ought to match the energy released by the atom in the process – but it didn't! Wolfgang Pauli proposed to explain this discrepancy by postulating that an additional, invisible particle was emitted along with the electron, carrying away the missing energy and momentum. This "ghost particle" was named neutrino. (For some of Pauli's original musings about the neutrino, see Mössbauer (1998).)

Now, ad hoc hypotheses, invented purely to save our favorite theories, are generally frowned upon in science, and for good reason. But the neutrino hypothesis was ultimately vindicated, when the ghost particle was finally demonstrated to have a real existence, more than twenty years later. Today, the neutrino is well established as partner to the electron in our standard theory of elementary particles. It has the same basic properties as the electron, and participates in the same interactions, except that it lacks an electric charge, and has a nearly zero mass.
Does the Sun produce neutrinos?

Answer = Yes

Is it possible for a human to have invented the Sun which is the entire source of the human food chain as well as temperature on the Earth?

Answer = No with the exception of failed government shrinks who jerk themselves off in public
I deny that anyone can date the Sun, and you cannot prove what I said wrong, because that would take a direct dating technique which does not exist.
No it doesn't. You're 100% wrong. The sun cannot be older than the cloud of material it formed from.
No it doesn't. You're 100% wrong. The sun cannot be older than the cloud of material it formed from.
There is no way to date the cloud that formed the Sun, or the Sun itself. You must remember that when you layer a theory on a theory on another theory, you have nothing.

PS My universe is all there, your universe is 95 percent missing

There is no way to date the cloud that formed the Sun,
False. It cannot be younger than the materials that formed from it. What we can date is the formation of our solar system from this cloud. And we have it nailed within about 50 million years.

I think maybe you are making up dumb shit for sake of discussion.
False. It cannot be younger than the materials that formed from it. What we can date is the formation of our solar system from this cloud. And we have it nailed within about 50 million years.

I think maybe you are making up dumb shit for sake of discussion.
Actually the Sun is obviously younger than the materials that formed it. As for the age of the Earth even if the 4.3 billion year age is accurate there is no way to know how many billions of years that the Earth remained too hot for rock formation to occur or how often the young Earth was struck by other planets turning the Earth inside out, resetting the apparent clock. Note that your science predicts this again as you might know. You as a failed government shrinki dink, think that you are being clever and as such have set a trap, but your IQ is clearly inferior.
False. It cannot be younger than the materials that formed from it. What we can date is the formation of our solar system from this cloud. And we have it nailed within about 50 million years.

I think maybe you are making up dumb shit for sake of discussion.
True, the Sun can be and is younger than the stellar materials that formed it, and as for the Sun forming materials, it does not. But if you can get a good photo of the UFO's coming out of the Sun you can win a noel prize instead of being a failed shrinky with a fully wasted PhD

PS. The Sun is formed from materials that are 13/14 billion years old

Silly shrinky

Now break up into little groups and decide the best way to boost my confidence by humiliating yourself further
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