The ultimate sacrifice of a real hero in the face of US & world opposition to the war against human hostage-taking devils

I have heard about JFK's WH whores and Bill Clinton's whores, as well as a string of innocent aides and young girls who were abused by Biden, but I have seen no evidence of Trump cavorting naked around secret service agents like Biden has done as though taking a stroll fully clothed and in his right mind in Central Park.
other than trump being found liable for sexual abuse of e jean carroll? lol.

god you really should stop defending sexual predators like trump.

and its interesting you describe a man as "cavorting naked". hmmm...sure you aren't gay. lol
other than trump being found liable for sexual abuse of e jean carroll? lol.

god you really should stop defending sexual predators like trump.

and its interesting you describe a man as "cavorting naked". hmmm...sure you aren't gay. lol
There you go again claiming mark is gay . You lie about it all the time .
hey, all i know is that he posts about things like naked men cavorting far more than a normal heterosexual person would in a political forum. lol
Nope when you post about perverts and child molesters etc As mark is and as I also do. You however do not which liberals really do not when it come to sexual abuse ., while you always make fun of us claim were gay etc. While your fine with hospitals and schools messing with kids gender behind parents backs you supported drag queen story time as gab did when there have been documented cases of child molesters involved, Also you seem to want less time for criminals and you seem to think that these sickos can be treated and made to fit in with the community,

I will tell you a story we had a guy buy a house in the community he was a bit odd and a democrat to boot . He had a lot of money from his fathers estate and had set up a orphanage in Myanmar's if I recall correctly. he flew there fairly regularly to check on how it was going and to provide money. It turned out he was going there and sexually abusing the kids females only . Well it came out . Needless to say he became very unpopular. I harassed him ever time could as did a few others until he moved . If I could of done it and no one see me Id have beat him .
Nope when you post about perverts and child molesters etc As mark is and as I also do. You however do not which liberals really do not when it come to sexual abuse ., while you always make fun of us claim were gay etc. While your fine with hospitals and schools messing with kids gender behind parents backs you supported drag queen story time as gab did when there have been documented cases of child molesters involved, Also you seem to want less time for criminals and you seem to think that these sickos can be treated and made to fit in with the community,

I will tell you a story we had a guy buy a house in the community he was a bit odd and a democrat to boot . He had a lot of money from his fathers estate and had set up a orphanage in Myanmar's if I recall correctly. he flew there fairly regularly to check on how it was going and to provide money. It turned out he was going there and sexually abusing the kids females only . Well it came out . Needless to say he became very unpopular. I harassed him ever time could as did a few others until he moved . If I could of done it and no one see me Id have beat him .
nah, no normal heterosexual person talks about "naked men cavorting" in a political forum.
he's got mental problems, even perhaps one as simple as refusing to come out of the closet and acknowledge his true self. who knows? i hope he gets the help he needs.
other than trump being found liable for sexual abuse of e jean carroll? lol.

god you really should stop defending sexual predators like trump.

and its interesting you describe a man as "cavorting naked". hmmm...sure you aren't gay. lol
Yes, Trump was found guilty and O.J. was found innocent. Aren't bent judges and tainted juries great for criminal leftists?
nah, no normal heterosexual person talks about "naked men cavorting" in a political forum.
he's got mental problems, even perhaps one as simple as refusing to come out of the closet and acknowledge his true self. who knows? i hope he gets the help he needs.
Yrs they do especially when politics are involved .

We have all seen pictures of Jim Biden and hunter naked Jim was on a gay hook up site . You didn't comment on that now did you,
Your always accusing others of being gay for some reason You have done it with several us and even claimed they we were obsessed with you.
Sonds to me like your the one who needs help and has a issue . Mark believes in the bible and you and the rest of the liberal gang here hate him for it and constantly attack the man like a gang .
I called you a faggot one time because I was pissed off and apologized for doing so. But now you make me wonder as YOUR the one who keeps calling every one here gay and sticking up for gay which is fine I don't care if some is gay unless they interact with kids
and you will never comprehend why adult Stright men and women would have concerns about kids. You seem to care less. And you support drag queens an trans . Your the one who needs some help. Its obvious. Yes Mark is super religious
You say that only terrorists take hostages. But Israel frequently arrests Palestinians and holds them without charging them with anything for pitching rocks at them or saying mean things about their mothers. They torture their detainees as well.

Both sides are reprehensible. You cannot blame Palestinians to day for what their ancestors did 70 years ago. That is like blaming someone for supporting or opposing the Bricker Amendment or badmouthing Bob Taft.
The only peaceful solution is the two state solution. That is the case, it has always been the case and will probably always be the case.
You say that only terrorists take hostages. But Israel frequently arrests Palestinians and holds them without charging them with anything for pitching rocks at them or saying mean things about their mothers. They torture their detainees as well.

Both sides are reprehensible. You cannot blame Palestinians to day for what their ancestors did 70 years ago. That is like blaming someone for supporting or opposing the Bricker Amendment or badmouthing Bob Taft.
The only peaceful solution is the two state solution. That is the case, it has always been the case and will probably always be the case.
Your a idiot you know that there is a difference between prisoners of war held in jails t0 keep them from going back and making war on you. Where Gaza took not only men but women and children and are holding to and using them hostage as shields and raping them women every day/. And the reason all of this started was the fault of the people in Gaza's actions /. And Hamas s made up of the people of Gaza and supported by them.
We took prisoners of war and other nations do . Look at how the Terriots treat them compared to us and Israel and others ..

Your seriously are about out touch with reality and keep using weasel excuses .
If your incapable of seeing the difference between a pow and a hostage your a ***** . No doubt about it POW are not old women and children and not females or baby's dumb ass ,

Taking hostages is what terrorist and criminals do.

Tell me dumb ass how many kids and baby's and women have been considered war prisoners ?

yopur pathic .
I have heard about JFK's WH whores and Bill Clinton's whores, as well as a string of innocent aides and young girls who were abused by Biden,
You have "heard" it? That's hardly evidence.

but I have seen no evidence of Trump cavorting naked around secret service agents like Biden has done as though taking a stroll fully clothed and in his right mind in Central Park.
Neither have I. Trump naked would give anyone retinue burn not to mention horrific flashbacks.
Ivankas aids swore she paraded her big tits quite regularly in her wh suite and not a little Jewish toy boy in site.
you can prove it was bent? of course not, you're a lying right wing *****, lol
If you refuse to believe facts unless someone posts every available evidence supporting the facts then your likelihood of accepting facts is quite low.
If you refuse to believe facts unless someone posts every available evidence supporting the facts then your likelihood of accepting facts is quite low.

i didn't ask for "every available evidence", lying *****. Just credible evidence.
yes I dont accept "facts" as facts if someone with an obvious bias like you claims they are facts..because I understand how much you lie. lol
If you refuse to believe facts unless someone posts every available evidence supporting the facts then your likelihood of accepting facts is quite low.
The gall of you to suggest others should accept evidence? The election was nearly four years and no fraud was proven but your still crying about it. You hypocrite.
i didn't ask for "every available evidence", lying *****. Just credible evidence.
yes I dont accept "facts" as facts if someone with an obvious bias like you claims they are facts..because I understand how much you lie. lol
I have lost a great deal of concern about whether you are convinced to believe facts you seem hesitant to accept if others do not provide you more information so you feel comfortable accepting the facts. Believe what you want but do your own study and research.