The ultimate sacrifice of a real hero in the face of US & world opposition to the war against human hostage-taking devils

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Modern heroism and sacrifices are rare in today's world, even from wimps in US politics who mess their pants just thinking about possibly getting involved in the heroic fighting against civilization's worst enemies. Lefties like Bill Ayers and Bill Clinton fought against the US during the Vietnam War pretending to be fighting for a 'higher' cause when they were really just seeking to mask their own cowardess. Modern lefties condemn Israel and subsequently its heroic actions designed to destroy enemies of civilization. Benjamin Netanyahu's brother was the commander of the israeli forces that rescued the hostages at Entebbe in 1976 and he was the only soldier killed in that rescue raid. The commander of the recent Israeli raid that rescued the 4 hostages was the only Israeli soldier killed in that raid.

Israeli commanders are not wimps like so many modern US military officers under democrat presidents who issue nonsense orders such as women soldiers are to allow male soldiers to shower with them and do not offend any soldier by refusing to call it by its chosen gender confused identity. Democrats are turning the US military into a fighting force of perfumed pansies.

God bless the family of the latest Jewish hero and God bless the Jewish nation for doing what is right in the face of stiff opposition from degenerate barbarian savages all around the world.

Israeli commander Arnon Zamora killed in daring raid in Gaza that brought four hostages home​

"Israeli commanders are not wimps like so many modern US military officers under democrat presidents who issue nonsense orders such as women soldiers are to allow male soldiers to shower with them"

you spend a lot of time thinking about people showering together. sounds like you are a wimp, worried about who showers with who with people who are willing to die for their country. lol.
"Israeli commanders are not wimps like so many modern US military officers under democrat presidents who issue nonsense orders such as women soldiers are to allow male soldiers to shower with them"

you spend a lot of time thinking about people showering together. sounds like you are a wimp, worried about who showers with who with people who are willing to die for their country. lol.
Who could have escaped the constant bombardment of news stories covering Bill Clinton's many immoral, unethical, and illegal activities while occupying the oval office. Modern Americans cannot escape the constant bombardment of lefties demanding acceptance of the worst sort of deranged sexual perversions from leftist news sources committed to the sexual and moral perversion and degeneration of America.
Who could have escaped the constant bombardment of news stories covering Bill Clinton's many immoral, unethical, and illegal activities while occupying the oval office. Modern Americans cannot escape the constant bombardment of lefties demanding acceptance of the worst sort of deranged sexual perversions from leftist news sources committed to the sexual and moral perversion and degeneration of America.

you are a pervert, you have posted about people showering over and over here. its weird. seek help. only someone with problems thinks that soldiers showering togerhr is a "deranged sexual perversion" lol.
you are a pervert, you have posted about people showering over and over here. its weird. seek help. only someone with problems thinks that soldiers showering togerhr is a "deranged sexual perversion" lol.
I have seen images I regret ever being exposed to, like this one:

I have seen images I regret ever being exposed to, like this one:

View attachment 14410
you regret images and then you post them again for you to see again? wow.
maybe you should write that republican who was a pervert for showing them in person and express your feelings? lol

you are truly inflicted with serious mental issues. lol
you regret images and then you post them again for you to see again? wow.
maybe you should write that republican who was a pervert for showing them in person and express your feelings? lol

you are truly inflicted with serious mental issues. lol
Christians must confront wickedness in order to advocate for public condemnations of wickedness.
Who could have escaped the constant bombardment of news stories covering Bill Clinton's many immoral, unethical, and illegal activities while occupying the oval office.
You mean like Trump and his constant stream of whores visiting the WH?
Remember that? It's still happening.

Modern Americans cannot escape the constant bombardment of lefties demanding acceptance of the worst sort of deranged sexual perversions from leftist news sources committed to the sexual and moral perversion and degeneration of America.
Do you know the LGBTQ's in USA were one of the biggest group that supported Trump and are still doing it today? 25% of all of them are republicans. How does that fit with you and your god. You object to some sleazy characters in the dem party but are happy to take the millions of votes of all the poofters which is against gods will. You drip with hypocrisy you old POS. You should have been sprayed on the sheets.
thumb_1499499382_FOP[1].jpg Lefties like Bill Ayers and Bill Clinton fought against the US during the Vietnam War pretending to be fighting for a 'higher' cause when they were really just seeking to mask their own cowardess.

I guess you'd have to be old, enough, to have been there, Goober.
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There is a difference between courage and heroism.
Courage is the determnation to defeat a dangerous enemy. Heroism involves justice. There is nothing just about any part of this war. Nothing Israel has done has been just. Nothing Hamas has done has been just. Ths war is unjust for all concerned.

The world is against this war. Hamas took over because the people of Gaza were tied of being incarcerated in Gaza. Like Trumplings, they wanted STRONG LEADERS and Hamas was at least punishing the Israelis with their rockets. Netanyahu was also elected because some gullible Israelis also wanted a STRONG LEADER, so Netanyahu did all he could to make himself stronger, by subjugating the Supreme Court. But he was careless and not strong, because he failed to protect the borders, and Hamas attacked.

Israel will have to create a system of government that Gazans will accept and Israel can tolerate. Every building the Israelis destroy, every Palestinian woman or child or noncombatant that Israel kills makes a stronger enemy of the Palestinians it affects.

Israel cannot win this. Hamas cannot win, either.

The only viable fair solution is a two country solution, but the violence has prevented that. Will the fighting continue until all the violent people on both sides are dead? I do not think that has eve happened.
You mean like Trump and his constant stream of whores visiting the WH?
Remember that? It's still happening.
I have heard about JFK's WH whores and Bill Clinton's whores, as well as a string of innocent aides and young girls who were abused by Biden, but I have seen no evidence of Trump cavorting naked around secret service agents like Biden has done as though taking a stroll fully clothed and in his right mind in Central Park.
There is a difference between courage and heroism.
Courage is the determnation to defeat a dangerous enemy. Heroism involves justice. There is nothing just about any part of this war. Nothing Israel has done has been just. Nothing Hamas has done has been just. Ths war is unjust for all concerned.

The world is against this war. Hamas took over because the people of Gaza were tied of being incarcerated in Gaza. Like Trumplings, they wanted STRONG LEADERS and Hamas was at least punishing the Israelis with their rockets. Netanyahu was also elected because some gullible Israelis also wanted a STRONG LEADER, so Netanyahu did all he could to make himself stronger, by subjugating the Supreme Court. But he was careless and not strong, because he failed to protect the borders, and Hamas attacked.

Israel will have to create a system of government that Gazans will accept and Israel can tolerate. Every building the Israelis destroy, every Palestinian woman or child or noncombatant that Israel kills makes a stronger enemy of the Palestinians it affects.

Israel cannot win this. Hamas cannot win, either.

The only viable fair solution is a two country solution, but the violence has prevented that. Will the fighting continue until all the violent people on both sides are dead? I do not think that has eve happened.
The warring Arabs rejected the two state solution more than 70 years ago and have been cruelly brutalizing and murdering innocent women and children ever since hoping their violence will someday get them what they want
"Israeli commanders are not wimps like so many modern US military officers under democrat presidents who issue nonsense orders such as women soldiers are to allow male soldiers to shower with them"

you spend a lot of time thinking about people showering together. sounds like you are a wimp, worried about who showers with who with people who are willing to die for their country. lol.
And only terrorist take hostages , I wonder how you would feel if your sister was gang raped the killed then raped some more then have a baby cut out of her and And your mother taken hostage and raped daily.

I tend to think your pathic attitude abut Gaza and has would change, You blame Hamas only but fail to comprehend who and where Hammas come from and who supports them. The people of Gaza are Hamas and your to stupid to see it. And there you go making suggestions that mark is gay just like you always deny doing