I have more of a what happened here question (fiance gave me a neat deck of cards with history facts) so here it goes:
What happened in Harper's Ferry, Virginia on October 16, 1859?
John Brown attacked a federal armory?
I have more of a what happened here question (fiance gave me a neat deck of cards with history facts) so here it goes:
What happened in Harper's Ferry, Virginia on October 16, 1859?
John Brown attacked a federal armory?
Correct. Your turn to post one PLC1.
OK. What happened in Sonoma, California in 1846?
freedom of
the press
I cant remember, thats so sad
life liberty and persuit of happiness but hmm that would be more than 6
Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness is not from the Constitution, it comes from the Declaration of Independence.
freedom of
the press
I cant remember, thats so sad
............give up!
Roland Garros who flew a Morane-Saulnier type H monoplane from St. Raphael, France (Europe) to Bizerte, Tunisia (Africa) on September 23rd, 1913.
Darn, I am 24hours to late. I was up at the cabin, either way, I knew this one as soon as I read the first time it was asked.
Ill throw one out...
What is the most eastern state?
Must be Main.
Here's another state one, and a good one for Romney supporters:
Deseret doesn't mean desert, as many might suppose. What does it mean?