It likely does. Ohio SB 5 is about g-school education reform and busting the stinking teachers unions. Most informed Americans know reforming the g-schools is WAY OVERDUE. The law limits much of the stinking teachers union power, tenure, etc....and a vote on the law is forthcoming in Ohio.
Why should someone seeking federal office comment on legislation that is proposed in a state senate? It makes no sense...and further, I am sure most federal officials don't know much about the actual legislation.
Certainly, you cannot fault a guy for that?
It is like calling up your Congressman and screaming at them about Judicial might make you feel better, but the reality is that a Congressman is simply not involved in that process.
I imagine you would go crazy is President Obama starting getting involved in state cannot hold Romney to that double standard and fume when he does not.
Anyone paying attention knows the g-schools run by stinking liberals are doing a horrible job. Most conservatives and even some others are demanding reform.
And almost everyone knows the distinction between federal office and state office I would hope.
Why would Romney not support it? Reforming g-schools should be high on all conservative candidate's list of campaign promises. But, not with good old Romney the flip flopper.
He may support it or he may not, but what he won't do (rightfully so) is take a public position. It is not his place to do so.