Romney The Progressive

It likely does. Ohio SB 5 is about g-school education reform and busting the stinking teachers unions. Most informed Americans know reforming the g-schools is WAY OVERDUE. The law limits much of the stinking teachers union power, tenure, etc....and a vote on the law is forthcoming in Ohio.

Why should someone seeking federal office comment on legislation that is proposed in a state senate? It makes no sense...and further, I am sure most federal officials don't know much about the actual legislation.

Certainly, you cannot fault a guy for that?

It is like calling up your Congressman and screaming at them about Judicial might make you feel better, but the reality is that a Congressman is simply not involved in that process.

I imagine you would go crazy is President Obama starting getting involved in state cannot hold Romney to that double standard and fume when he does not.

Anyone paying attention knows the g-schools run by stinking liberals are doing a horrible job. Most conservatives and even some others are demanding reform.

And almost everyone knows the distinction between federal office and state office I would hope.

Why would Romney not support it? Reforming g-schools should be high on all conservative candidate's list of campaign promises. But, not with good old Romney the flip flopper.

He may support it or he may not, but what he won't do (rightfully so) is take a public position. It is not his place to do so.
Why should someone seeking federal office comment on legislation that is proposed in a state senate? It makes no sense...and further, I am sure most federal officials don't know much about the actual legislation.

Certainly, you cannot fault a guy for that?

It is like calling up your Congressman and screaming at them about Judicial might make you feel better, but the reality is that a Congressman is simply not involved in that process.

I imagine you would go crazy is President Obama starting getting involved in state cannot hold Romney to that double standard and fume when he does not.

And almost everyone knows the distinction between federal office and state office I would hope.

He may support it or he may not, but what he won't do (rightfully so) is take a public position. It is not his place to do so.

A guy running for prez respecting state's rights ? That's refreshing and very welcome. He SHOULD stay on message and not get diverted with points moot to his goal.
A guy running for prez respecting state's rights ? That's refreshing and very welcome. He SHOULD stay on message and not get diverted with points moot to his goal.

Exactly. If anything, this instance only solidifies my support for him.
Exactly. If anything, this instance only solidifies my support for him.

Not discounting any flaws in his record, but the guy delivers on the job he's hired to do. Always has. And I think he's got a good handle on the current state of the job description for prez.
Not discounting any flaws in his record, but the guy delivers on the job he's hired to do. Always has. And I think he's got a good handle on the current state of the job description for prez.

I see that you guys finally gave up your illusions of EXTREME RIGHT, TEA PARTY victory. . .and are now willing to start "changing your mind" about the only GOP candidate that might have a chance to defeat Obama!

See. .. I told you so about 2 months ago! But. . .no, liberals are crazy. . .they are out of touch. . .they don't know what they're saying!

You funny guys! :rolleyes::D
I see that you guys finally gave up your illusions of EXTREME RIGHT, TEA PARTY victory. . .and are now willing to start "changing your mind" about the only GOP candidate that might have a chance to defeat Obama!

See. .. I told you so about 2 months ago! But. . .no, liberals are crazy. . .they are out of touch. . .they don't know what they're saying!

You funny guys! :rolleyes::D

I was behind Romney in 2008 for the same reasons. He has steered to the right understanding what the people want. The TEA Party is best employed in the House as thats where spending bills have to originate there.
I see that you guys finally gave up your illusions of EXTREME RIGHT, TEA PARTY victory. . .and are now willing to start "changing your mind" about the only GOP candidate that might have a chance to defeat Obama!

See. .. I told you so about 2 months ago! But. . .no, liberals are crazy. . .they are out of touch. . .they don't know what they're saying!

You funny guys! :rolleyes::D

I supported Romney in 2008 as well....and I have supported him all along so far in this election....
Why should someone seeking federal office comment on legislation that is proposed in a state senate? It makes no sense...and further, I am sure most federal officials don't know much about the actual legislation.

Certainly, you cannot fault a guy for that?

It is like calling up your Congressman and screaming at them about Judicial might make you feel better, but the reality is that a Congressman is simply not involved in that process.

I imagine you would go crazy is President Obama starting getting involved in state cannot hold Romney to that double standard and fume when he does not.

And almost everyone knows the distinction between federal office and state office I would hope.

He may support it or he may not, but what he won't do (rightfully so) is take a public position. It is not his place to do so.

I would agree with you on some state issues, but not this one. This issue is too big and Gov. Kasich is trying to end the liberal stranglehold on the g-schools, which have caused so many problems including bankrupting state treasuries with their ridiculous rich benefits, stinking commie unions, and their horrendous record of failing to educate.

And now the flip floper Romney has flip flopped again....

Romney Offers '110 Percent' Backing to Ohio Bargaining Bill After Confusion Over Support

by Joy Lin | October 26, 2011
FAIRFAX, Va. -- Mitt Romney unequivocally backed Ohio's new collective bargaining law Wednesday, one day after indicating he had no position on the measure that will be decided in an Ohio ballot measure in November.

If you were my campaign manager, I would have to fire you.

The conventional wisdom claims Romney is the best bet for beating BO. And, who is promoting the conventional wisdom? Of course it is MOSTLY libs, moderates, and progressives. I am not buying the conventional wisdom. BO knows his best chance is if the Rs nominate a mini-me Obama....and Romney is the mini-me.

Romney governed MA much like BO would have.
I would agree with you on some state issues, but not this one. This issue is too big and Gov. Kasich is trying to end the liberal stranglehold on the g-schools, which have caused so many problems including bankrupting state treasuries with their ridiculous rich benefits, stinking commie unions, and their horrendous record of failing to educate.

And now the flip floper Romney has flip flopped again....

If you were my campaign manager, I would have to fire you.

The conventional wisdom claims Romney is the best bet for beating BO. And, who is promoting the conventional wisdom? Of course it is MOSTLY libs, moderates, and progressives. I am not buying the conventional wisdom. BO knows his best chance is if the Rs nominate a mini-me Obama....and Romney is the mini-me.

Romney governed MA much like BO would have.

I'd suggest Perry had more effect on this than anything else.

No argument that teacher unions are a detriment to education on many levels but that can't be addressed at the federal level. Well at least not until the states come begging for bailouts. When they are told 'no' then the chickens will have come home to roost. And as I posted in another thread, RI will probably come hat in hand very soon.
I would agree with you on some state issues, but not this one. This issue is too big and Gov. Kasich is trying to end the liberal stranglehold on the g-schools, which have caused so many problems including bankrupting state treasuries with their ridiculous rich benefits, stinking commie unions, and their horrendous record of failing to educate.

And now the flip floper Romney has flip flopped again....

Either you want the federal government to stay out of state issues or you don't...which is it?

If you were my campaign manager, I would have to fire you.

Outside of the fact that this appears to be more a policy shop decision than a campaign manager's decision, if you fired someone every time they didn't agree with you, you would have no staff. And of course this is all before we even address the issue of dissenting opinions is a good thing on campaigns etc. It is only if someone who disagrees goes out in the press and starts talking about it that there actually is a problem.

All of that aside, I think this move is a mistake by Romney. I think the route he should have taken was simply to say that it is a state issue and let the states decide.

The conventional wisdom claims Romney is the best bet for beating BO. And, who is promoting the conventional wisdom? Of course it is MOSTLY libs, moderates, and progressives. I am not buying the conventional wisdom. BO knows his best chance is if the Rs nominate a mini-me Obama....and Romney is the mini-me.

Romney governed MA much like BO would have.

Romney governed MA much like the people who elected him wanted him to. YOu cannot fault someone for representing the people who elected them.
Either you want the federal government to stay out of state issues or you don't...which is it?

Outside of the fact that this appears to be more a policy shop decision than a campaign manager's decision, if you fired someone every time they didn't agree with you, you would have no staff. And of course this is all before we even address the issue of dissenting opinions is a good thing on campaigns etc. It is only if someone who disagrees goes out in the press and starts talking about it that there actually is a problem.

All of that aside, I think this move is a mistake by Romney. I think the route he should have taken was simply to say that it is a state issue and let the states decide.

Romney governed MA much like the people who elected him wanted him to. YOu cannot fault someone for representing the people who elected them.

Your question is not a fair one. Romney's support or lack of is not the same as the Fed government getting involved in state issues.

I never said I would fire a campaign manager every time they disagreed with me. But, this is too big an issue to be so wrong on. So, sorry but you're fired. And, you thinking Romney's support of the law is now a mistake, makes me think my decision to fire you is a good one.

I can fault someone for failing to do the right thing. If you think a politician should do what he thinks the people want, then we also disagree. He should do what is right and within the law.

Romney once elected president, likely will do what the loudest voices tell him to do. And we know the loudest voices are on the left.
Your question is not a fair one. Romney's support or lack of is not the same as the Fed government getting involved in state issues.

Romney is seeking a federal office...why should he get involved in state politics?

I never said I would fire a campaign manager every time they disagreed with me. But, this is too big an issue to be so wrong on. So, sorry but you're fired. And, you thinking Romney's support of the law is now a mistake, makes me think my decision to fire you is a good one.

Well, if you were the candidate that would of course be your perrogative. However, if Romney fires anyone senior right now under these circumstances, the press will view it as his campaign imploding.

I can fault someone for failing to do the right thing. If you think a politician should do what he thinks the people want, then we also disagree. He should do what is right and within the law.

He should...but he should also represent the viewpoints of the people that put him in office.

Romney once elected president, likely will do what the loudest voices tell him to do. And we know the loudest voices are on the left.

Why do you say that? If he goes out of his way to represent the views of those that put him in office...the Left will not be the main group that put him in office.
Romney is seeking a federal office...why should he get involved in state politics?

Well, if you were the candidate that would of course be your perrogative. However, if Romney fires anyone senior right now under these circumstances, the press will view it as his campaign imploding.

He should...but he should also represent the viewpoints of the people that put him in office.

Why do you say that? If he goes out of his way to represent the views of those that put him in office...the Left will not be the main group that put him in office.

I do not see showing support for a major state law like Ohio SB 5, which is trying to stop the long terrible liberal control of the g-schools as the federal government getting "involved" in state politics. Romney is not the federal government. Why you persist in this argument is beyond me.

Not imploding. Making a strong statement for conservatism, which conservatives will admire.

If you think a moderate progressive like Romney will not listen to the Left, you are badly mistaken. Bush did not get elected by leftists, but he did their bidding at times. So did his daddy.

When you have no strong core beliefs, which I fear is the case with Romney, you will do the bidding of whomever screams the loudest. Libs love to scream and they are very good at it...and their media controls the debate.
Why do you think Cain is un-electable?

he is not even trying to win, he is selling his book.

he pushes a regressive tax that would raise taxes on the poor and lower it on the have looked around at the polls right? thats the opposite of what the polls say the people want.

he is a complete idiot on Foreign policy, and makes light of the fact he knows nothing...we are at war still...and have Iran to deal with...talking ubecki becki becki stan...even as a joke ( to hide that you don't know) shows your not ready for a very hard and demanding job.

what is is Immigration policy? so far we know he says stuff...then later says it was a joke...ummm some people want a real plan...not jokes.
I do not see showing support for a major state law like Ohio SB 5, which is trying to stop the long terrible liberal control of the g-schools as the federal government getting "involved" in state politics.

Because it is a state issue and the Federal government should stay out of it.

Romney is not the federal government. Why you persist in this argument is beyond me.

He is not, but that is the office he is running for. Should Congressman start demanding a role in Senate treaty ratifications? Should the Environmental Regulations Committee try to hijack the budget process?

In my opinion, officials (and candidates) have no business trying to get involved in areas where they really shouldn't be. I imagine you would be quite upset (and rightfully so) if President Obama starting running from state to state trying to get state houses to pass laws that he thinks are good ideas.

Not imploding. Making a strong statement for conservatism, which conservatives will admire.

There is a 0% chance it would play that way in the press.

If you think a moderate progressive like Romney will not listen to the Left, you are badly mistaken. Bush did not get elected by leftists, but he did their bidding at times. So did his daddy.

Bush also had to deal with (at times) a Congress controlled by the Left.

When you have no strong core beliefs, which I fear is the case with Romney, you will do the bidding of whomever screams the loudest. Libs love to scream and they are very good at it...and their media controls the debate.

I don't believe for a moment he has no strong core beliefs.

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