Well-Known Member
It is OBSCENE that corporate executives make millions and millions of dollars because they "can", while the corporations they supposedly "manage" are going bankrupt and/or cutting "worker bee" salaries and benefits, and raising the prices on their goods and services.
Maybe the "worker bees" need to improve their array of skills so they can move to another company? Maybe they need to tell the boss - pay me more, or I am "outa here". Companies pay workers exactly what workers will accept.
Why should I pay a marginal worker a high salary? My philosophy is to fire them. I don't want marginal workers in my company. I want to keep the best workers and pay them a salary that will keep them working for me.
Corporate greed is never going to go away, unless it becomes VERY uncomfortable for the fat cats who take advantage of the loopholes and all of the other illegal accounting practices they use.
Now you are talking tax code. That is a whole different universe. Anyone who doesn't know that the tax laws are obscenely tilted toward a corporation is living under a rock. I would never think of being an "sole ownership" or "conventional partnership" company. The government will make you pay real taxes and keep you poor.

Two totally different kettle of fish!