Well-Known Member
The author above is ignoring Obama's mother's second marriage, to a muslim named Lolo Soetoro, with whom Obama lived for several years while growing up, before his mother got divorced. Obama spent most of his childhood growing up in Indonesia, the world's largest islamic country. None of this may have affected Obama's belief system, but let's tell the WHOLE truth, shall we?
Obama describes life with his stepfather in his autobiography:
"With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy)," Obama wrote. "LIke many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share."
Obama only lived from ages 4-10 in Indonesia...The rest of the time, he grew up in Hawaii, till he went to college on the main land here in the states. 6 years doesn't constitute 'the most of his childhood' period. Ages 1-4, and 10-18 in Hawaii is 12 years growing up here in the US, with his grandparents and mother. Of who, like I said, were Christian.
So again...The truth of the situation is being exaggerated about his supposed 'Muslim' upbringing in order to foster fear in the voter...Period.
And sorry darling...But the idea of that the type of meat you eat, brings that animal's powers into yourself isn't 'Islamic'...In fact, it's a very pagan rooted belief that is found alot within the Native American teachings, as well as in Asian-Buddhist/Hindu/Taoims/Dharmic traditions.
The Chinese and Japanese (which the majority are Buddhist) are the biggest/best known societies today that incorporate that belief into their every day living practices...In fact they sell/prepare herbals, teas, etc. containing exotic animal parts for those specific 'cures/endowments'.
Other traditions/cultures/practices that incorporate this ideology are Romani, Vodun, Shinto, Druidism, etc...Just to name a few that is.
From the portion you quoted, what he was describing was traditional Hindu ideology and is supported by his comments about his step-father incorporating 'more ancient and Hindu faiths' into his own...More ancient then Hindu. Simply because although Hinduism doesnt' say it's wrong to eat meat, most meats are taboo except for mutton, chicken, and fish...
Islamics on the other hand, share the same taboos about meat that Judaism has...which it is taboo to have eaten the meats by Islamic ideology, that Obama mentions they had had...Which actually is a more Asian Buddhist ideology at work...What you eat, endows you with it's powers.

Only in Western Civilization is eating dog outlawed, although the other mentioned foods are eaten as delicasies in the West...
Now the Tiger is different, as Western Civilizations have outlawed eating extinct/near extinct species...But in Asian and Middle Western Cultures? That's a whole different kettle of fish, so to speak...As although it's looked down upon because of extinct species subject, their goverments don't exactly enforce laws against doing so for their citizens.