Many Others Could Have Built General Foods, But Only Heiristocrats or Their Lackeys Could Have Ruined It
The Communists are HeirHeads themselves; that's why I call them "Preppy Progressives" and "Trustfundie Treehuggers." Karl Marx's wife was a Countess, one of many examples proving that Marxism only appeals to Social Darwinists who believe they are born to rule over 'the Unfortunate Sons.
If you don't like what their government does with the money it gets, vote out the Tax and Spenders. And once again, Preppylovers are intentionally ignoring the fact that they would pay little or no taxes themselves if we eliminate unAmerican aristocratic privileges. So you'd rather tax the living than the dead. You must believe that is God's will.
You're also ignoring the fact that the one who earned the money is not taxed, only his heirs, who earned none of it and therefore should get none of it. The only way this dishonest phrase "Death Tax" makes sense is if the government will rob
his grave and steal any valuables he is buried with.
In a society with a future, not saddled with the cancer of Birth-Class Supremacy, the money would go to those with natural talent, setting them up the same way the no-talent HeirHeads are set up now. Or it would go to the decedent's employees, who helped create his wealth while his kids freeloaded off it. You can't get a raise because the boss wants the money to buy his brat a brand-new BMW when he is sixteen. Even if we are helplessly stuck with the government wasting it, the spending is spread out instead of being in a dangerous concentration with one person or dynastic clique.
Calling anything that goes to the 99% "the government" is treason. You betray the future with this Head Start for HeirHeads. Loyal serfs should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe and choke on the dust from the guillotined skulls of their idols.