The Real Queen of England

George Washington believed himself to be at the service of his country. The concept of royalty is that the people are at the service to the monarchy. Why would they be still be calling any human being a subject or commoner? Like slaves?

Cast Away Caste

That evil has extended to all hereditary power, wealth, position, and influence; the Constitution's elimination of titles was a meaningless and dishonest change and proved how the Wags Wearing Wigs despised democracy and their fellow Americans. This unearned status has obstructed progress in every civilization, leading to a decline and fall.
Pity Party for Pampered Preppies

You'd rather give the government your money than hurt the feelings of your precious HeirHeads? Because confiscation of that unearned wealth would eliminate the need for the government to tax earned income. That's how dishonest your objection is.

Inheritance is an absurd and destructive superstition, as if being born rich is a sign of God's love for some special people, or the Hindus' religious excuse for caste tyranny—that the Fortunate Sons were good lower-caste people in a previous life. Unless our society is based on worth and absolutely not at all based on birth, as it is now, it will not survive. Those spoiled brats block our way and must be removed from their pre-ordained positions.

It is not unearned wealth. People who earned the wealth should decide who gets that wealth when they die. Giving it to their loved ones is natural. Having the government steal it away makes no sense.

It is not a superstition. My wife and I work hard and make good and responsible decisions with our investments so our son and our grandchildren can enjoy that money. Having the government steal it is a libtard anti family concept.
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

You've proved my point: Birth-Class Supremacists rule over both the Left and the Right. Every Liberal idea can be traced to benefiting that unAmerican anti-democratic class. Those useless snobs need to go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong.
Youre a sage? Wow. Youve got some issues. Just another low iq hate filled brain dead American.
I have nothing against the royal family. But what are they good for ?
They are just a bunch of rich snobs who think they are important. If the english love them big deal i dont care. I like the british people in general and had tons of respect for margret thacher
I have nothing against the royal family. But what are they good for ?
They are just a bunch of rich snobs who think they are important. If the english love them big deal i dont care. I like the british people in general and had tons of respect for margret thacher
Again, youre barking up the wrong tree if you think I support royalty.
Its just another ignorant cheap shot. Misguided of course.
It is not unearned wealth. People who earned the wealth should decide who gets that wealth when they die. Giving it to their loved ones is natural. Having the government steal it away makes no sense.

It is not a superstition. My wife and I work hard and make good and responsible decisions with our investments so our son and our grandchildren can enjoy that money. Having the government steal it is a libtard anti family concept.
Inherit the Wind

The HeirDads give a lot more than money to their Sperm-Bingo winners. They buy positions and influence for their sons, who would never have reached those positions of power over us on their own. And now the daughters can also ride the HeirHead roller coaster to the top, which is the only reason Feminism became so dominant.

There is no right to give away money to the detriment of society. It's the same as bribing the umpire so your son, the pitcher, gets balls called strikes. It doesn't matter if it's your money; it never does. Again you make a superficial statement about decisions that, in real life, pick winners and losers for the next generation, which is criminal. The government you pretend is grave-robbing the Sugar Daddies fully endorses this socially destructive privilege of inheritance. Both parties even promote the candidacies of Preppies. The fact that near-candidate Howard Dean was pushed on us solely because he was financed on the way up by being an heir of the Dean, Witter, Reynolds stockbroker firm was barely mentioned by the captive Donkephant media.

Inheritance is nothing but theft of a nation's future. Let your descendants do it on their own or they will have nothing to be proud of. That causes all kinds of emotional problems. Neither you nor anyone else has the right to inflict society with those suffering from chronic affluenza.
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You're a sage? Wow. You've got some issues. Just another low iq hate filled brain dead American.
B-Students Jealous of A-Students

Your illusion of superiority to anyone with original thoughts shows what a mind-slave you are. Little Mamas' Boys sucking their thumbs in classrooms, too lazy to think for themselves and believing that they can learn through recitation, which is mindless conformity. What ventriloquists are you a dummy for?
Inherit the Wind

The HeirDads give a lot more than money to their Sperm-Bingo winners. They buy positions and influence for their sons, who would never have reached those positions of power over us on their own. And now the daughters can also ride the HeirHead roller coaster to the top, which is the only reason Feminism became so dominant.

There is no right to give away money to the detriment of society. It's the same as bribing the umpire so your son, the pitcher, gets balls called strikes. It doesn't matter if it's your money; it never does. Again you make a superficial statement about decisions that, in real life, pick winners and losers for the next generation, which is criminal. The government you pretend is grave-robbing the Sugar Daddies fully endorses this socially destructive privilege of inheritance. Both parties even promote the candidacies of Preppies. The fact that near-candidate Howard Dean was pushed on us solely because he was financed on the way up by being an heir of the Dean, Witter, Reynolds stockbroker firm was barely mentioned by the captive Donkephant media.

Inheritance is nothing but theft of a nation's future. Let your descendants do it on their own or they will have nothing to be proud of. That causes all kinds of emotional problems. Neither you nor anyone else has the right to inflict society with those suffering from chronic affluenza.

I understand it is frustrating when people inherit wealth and they are not worthy but it is the person who acquired that wealth who has the right to decide where it goes. Not the government. What you say makes no damn sense. It's like communism.

You have situations like the man who founded Woolworth(Frank Woolworth) whose kids were all lazy dumb asses. He died with the biggest retail company on earth and they ruined it. But then you have Charlie Post's cereal company that was willed to his daughter who made that company an enormous success and built in into General foods.

In any event people do not build something so when they die politicians can just waste it.
I understand it is frustrating when people inherit wealth and they are not worthy but it is the person who acquired that wealth who has the right to decide where it goes. Not the government. What you say makes no damn sense. It's like communism.

You have situations like the man who founded Woolworth(Frank Woolworth) whose kids were all lazy dumb asses. He died with the biggest retail company on earth and they ruined it. But then you have Charlie Post's cereal company that was willed to his daughter who made that company an enormous success and built in into General foods.

In any event people do not build something so when they die politicians can just waste it.
Many Others Could Have Built General Foods, But Only Heiristocrats or Their Lackeys Could Have Ruined It

The Communists are HeirHeads themselves; that's why I call them "Preppy Progressives" and "Trustfundie Treehuggers." Karl Marx's wife was a Countess, one of many examples proving that Marxism only appeals to Social Darwinists who believe they are born to rule over 'the Unfortunate Sons.

If you don't like what their government does with the money it gets, vote out the Tax and Spenders. And once again, Preppylovers are intentionally ignoring the fact that they would pay little or no taxes themselves if we eliminate unAmerican aristocratic privileges. So you'd rather tax the living than the dead. You must believe that is God's will.

You're also ignoring the fact that the one who earned the money is not taxed, only his heirs, who earned none of it and therefore should get none of it. The only way this dishonest phrase "Death Tax" makes sense is if the government will rob
his grave and steal any valuables he is buried with.

In a society with a future, not saddled with the cancer of Birth-Class Supremacy, the money would go to those with natural talent, setting them up the same way the no-talent HeirHeads are set up now. Or it would go to the decedent's employees, who helped create his wealth while his kids freeloaded off it. You can't get a raise because the boss wants the money to buy his brat a brand-new BMW when he is sixteen. Even if we are helplessly stuck with the government wasting it, the spending is spread out instead of being in a dangerous concentration with one person or dynastic clique.

Calling anything that goes to the 99% "the government" is treason. You betray the future with this Head Start for HeirHeads. Loyal serfs should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe and choke on the dust from the guillotined skulls of their idols.
Many Others Could Have Built General Foods, But Only Heiristocrats or Their Lackeys Could Have Ruined It

The Communists are HeirHeads themselves; that's why I call them "Preppy Progressives" and "Trustfundie Treehuggers." Karl Marx's wife was a Countess, one of many examples proving that Marxism only appeals to Social Darwinists who believe they are born to rule over 'the Unfortunate Sons.

If you don't like what their government does with the money it gets, vote out the Tax and Spenders. And once again, Preppylovers are intentionally ignoring the fact that they would pay little or no taxes themselves if we eliminate unAmerican aristocratic privileges. So you'd rather tax the living than the dead. You must believe that is God's will.

You're also ignoring the fact that the one who earned the money is not taxed, only his heirs, who earned none of it and therefore should get none of it. The only way this dishonest phrase "Death Tax" makes sense is if the government will rob
his grave and steal any valuables he is buried with.

In a society with a future, not saddled with the cancer of Birth-Class Supremacy, the money would go to those with natural talent, setting them up the same way the no-talent HeirHeads are set up now. Or it would go to the decedent's employees, who helped create his wealth while his kids freeloaded off it. You can't get a raise because the boss wants the money to buy his brat a brand-new BMW when he is sixteen. Even if we are helplessly stuck with the government wasting it, the spending is spread out instead of being in a dangerous concentration with one person or dynastic clique.

Calling anything that goes to the 99% "the government" is treason. You betray the future with this Head Start for HeirHeads. Loyal serfs should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe and choke on the dust from the guillotined skulls of their idols.

You sound far left of Elizabeth Warren.