Serfs Up!England, if a person dies intestate, the crown gets the lolly.
A team of solicitors is employed for this duty.
Trustfundie TreehuggersAs
If you'd know anything. Youre still wet behind the ears yet issue advice like an expert. Youre an ignoramus.
What does it tell you that they are climate change activists? Tell us big mouth.
Serfs Up!
Inheritance should be abolished anyway. It would make all other taxes unnecessary. 100% from the 1% of the Daddy's Money moochers would give us $3 trillion a year. The cutoff should be whatever the 50% leave.
If the rest of us have to do it on our own, so should the rich kids. Anyone who doesn't believe that is not an American. He's not even a man; he's a manservant.
Read his posts. He is crazy.Are you serious? Abolish inheritance and give that money to the government? That is extreme crazy.
Neither of us can say it is true or false. There is too many "alleged" and "reported"s there.The new "king" loves nothing more than bags of cash given to him by fake gulf "kings", or their lickspittles and the Bin laden
At Least We Know Who the Prince of Suspicious Deals Is
Prince Charles. It’s Prince
what a tosspot !!
Comrade Stalin
The new "king" loves nothing more than bags of cash given to him by fake gulf "kings", or their lickspittles and the Bin laden
At Least We Know Who the Prince of Suspicious Deals Is
Prince Charles. It’s Prince
what a tosspot !!
Comrade Stalin
“Prince of pegging”? Probably not. Prince of gratuitously suspicious financial transactions? Apologies to the perv Prince Andrew: Charles has stolen that crown. Britain’s future king has apparently been wheeling and dealing in a reckless manner, according to a new report from the Sunday Times, entitled “Prince Charles accepted £1 million from family of Osama bin Laden.” This news comes mere weeks after the same paper announced that Charles personally accepted suitcases full of cash from a foreign dignitary, and raises a pertinent question: “Why would you do this?”, as one source framed it to the Times.
bring (a person or country) under one's control or jurisdiction, typically by using force.
"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."
Pity Party for Pampered PreppiesAre you serious? Abolish inheritance and give that money to the government? That is extreme crazy.
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep SchoolRead his posts. He is crazy.