The price of real estate in Manhattan says that Climate change is BS.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2021
In a 20 year period from 1997-2017 the average price per square foot of real estate in Manhattan went from $328 a sq foot to over $1700 a square foot.

That despite libtards predicting that Manhattan would soon be under water due to global warming. Al Gore's pos movie depicts a tidal wave flooding Manhattan and reducing property values to nothing.

So why are people not selling at a loss and getting the hell out of there? Why would these rich libs not be wanting to move away from the coast?

Because they do nor believe in it. They know it is a fraud.
The property owners think that thei insurance will protect them, bt they are wrong. You are an ignoramus and do not even know what Al Gore said.
Manhattan real estate is mostly rental property, held by a relatively tiny number of investors.

Big Oil has spent billions to convince dolts such as you to maximize their profits.
The property owners think that thei insurance will protect them, bt they are wrong. You are an ignoramus and do not even know what Al Gore said.
Manhattan real estate is mostly rental property, held by a relatively tiny number of investors.

Big Oil has spent billions to convince dolts such as you to maximize their profits.

That is the best response you have? Short bus?

So Al Gore's movie did not depict NYC being ruined by a tidal wave? What was that video I linked? I'll link it again.

His movie 2004.

What an idiot.

There are over 300,000 property owners in Manhattan. I bet 65% of them voted for Kamala. None of them are worried about a tsunami hitting the east coast. It is all a fraud.

I could say the same for coastal real estate anywhere else in the country.
Property in coastal areas of Florida have increased in price 4 fold since 2000.

I guess people did not get the message.


"The clock is ticking."

Al Gore telling us that if we do not do something right now we are in big trouble. It was 2009.

This fraud won an Oscar and a Nobel peace prize pushing these lies. No scientific training at all. Just a 2 cent pos politician pushing a political agenda with lies..

Al Gore lied that he was a vegan. He used more electricity in his Tennessee home than 15 average homes. It is all a fraud.
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World is coming to an end. Whole east coast of the country will soon be under water! We need to do something now!

You think Barry and Michael Obama believe those lies? They bought an 11 million dollar home on an island in the Atlantic ocean. Fuck you people!

The first words out of this liar's mouth in this speech. "Climate change especially rising seas is a threat to our homeland security."

He is a liar!

The Day After Tomorrow was NOT "Al Gore's movie".It was a work of fiction and was portrayed as such. And as I recall,not so long ago, New York City had their vet worst flood ever: filled the subway tunnels and cost billions. if the price of real estate has anything to do with is one of the most venal elites in the world - just look
at the hitler wannabe that it produced..

i would not want a plumber to do a heart operation on me, so i am always amused when some right wing pundit with half an idea thinks
he ( they are nearly always men) knows more than the overwhelming majority of climate scientists and oceonographers..

"Scientists have been tracking sea level along coastlines using tidal gauges for more than a century. And since the 1990s, satellite measurements have given them an even more complete view of sea level over the global ocean. Those data unequivocally show a rise in sea level. Averaged over the entire ocean, the increases are small—just three millimeters per year, or about the width of two grains of rice laid side by side. But those millimeters add up, with sea level rising more than seven centimeters (a little more than three inches) in just 25 years. What’s more, Piecuch says, “it’s not just rising, it’s accelerating. It’s rising faster every year.”

The global increase is caused by two factors: melting glaciers and warming ocean waters. Sea ice doesn’t change sea level, because the weight of the floating ice displaces the water beneath it. When that ice melts, the total volume of water remains unchanged. But as glaciers and ice sheets on land melt, the water they contain flows out to sea, adding to the total volume of water in the ocean. “About two-thirds of the global-mean sea-level rise we’ve seen since the early nineties is due to melting of land ice,” Piecuch notes. The remaining third is due to thermal expansion of the oceans. As water warms, it expands, taking up more space. Since the only direction it can expand is up, it pushes sea level higher.

By the end of the century, these accelerating changes will lead to increases of several feet globally, but the more immediate problem lies in smaller but recurring high-tide flood events, Piecuch says. These can happen during full-moon high tides, passing storms, or El Niño events. As sea level rises, it takes less extraordinary circumstances for those floods to happen. “Rates of minor or nuisance flooding along the U.S. coast have doubled over the past two decades,” Piecuch says. Roads and buildings flood or water bubbles up through sewer drains. A single flood like this doesn’t cause hurricane-level damage, but those smaller floods happen much more often. The costs accumulate over time, sometimes surpassing the costs of a post-storm clean-up from a larger event. And those aren’t going to stop any time soon, Piecuch notes. “Places that never used to see this high-tide flooding are now seeing it several times a year, and in the next couple decades, it’s going to be happening tens of times a year.”

comrade stalin bsc

Sea level rise is uneven, the two main reasons being ocean dynamics and Earth’s uneven gravity field.

First, ocean dynamics is the redistribution of mass due to currents driven by wind, heating, evaporation and precipitation. For example, during La Niña events, sea level goes down because some rain that usually occurs over the ocean shifts to land, and the same phenomenon produces low latitude currents that redistribute seawater. Regional climate cycles, like El Niño and La Niña, and longer-term effects, like the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, change ocean circulation, which changes sea level.

Second, because the distribution of Earth’s mass is uneven, Earth’s gravity is also uneven. Therefore, the ocean’s surface isn’t actually a perfect sphere or ellipsoid; it is a bumpy surface. As the land-based ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica continue to unload their mass (lose ice) from far above sea level and far from the tropics, that mass reaches the sea in the form of meltwater that is then redistributed along Earth’s gravity field.

The areas farthest from the melted ice will see the most sea level rise as a result. Conversely, areas nearest to Greenland and Antarctica will see the least amount of sea level rise (and some areas will actually see sea levels drop). Scientists even track the annual cycle of ice sheet mass losses to further refine their sea level rise measurements.

Between 1993 and 2018, sea level rose 12 to 15 millimeters per year (about half an inch per year) in some regions, and went down by that amount in others. But on average, it has gone up by about 3 millimeters per year (about 28 millimeters, or 1-1/8 inches, per decade) in that same period. Most of this unevenness is caused by ocean dynamics

comrade stalin Bsc
and finally..before you think that you have found something

Scientists have been measuring this rise from satellites since 1993, using instruments called altimeters. But for an 18-month period that began in the middle of 2010, something surprising happened. Instead of rising, sea levels fell.

in order to make sea levels fall, the water had to be stored in a place where it didn't reach the ocean for a long while. That place, it turns out, was Australia.

"Australia is really unique," said Fasullo. In the continent's eastern interior, most of the rain that falls runs inland, into a salt lake called Lake Eyre -- never reaching the sea.

Lake Eyre is the lowest point in Australia. It's usually a dry, salty flat. But when it rains heavily, the basin fills, and the lake teems with new life, as long-dormant seeds spring to life and birds flock to the lake.

From 2010 to 2011, enough rain fell on Australia to fill the lower part of the lake almost completely, and the upper portion at least 75 percent. Australia got about a foot of rain more than normal over that period, said Fasullo.

The continent stored that excess water for long enough to change global sea levels.

That the world's smallest continent can affect global sea levels this way is pretty extraordinary, said Fasullo. It's also rare.

looking forward to a cavalcade of pseudoscience..i usually win..not because i am smarter but because the data supports me...

comrade stalin bsc
I used practical information. Simple facts to prove that few people truly and honestly believe in these global warming lies. That includes a former president. I showed a video of him talking about rising sea levels being a national security threat. Then there is a photo of his 11 million house on Martha's vineyard.

Simple facts just proved that the elites that claim that rising sea levels and melting ice are going to cause catastrophic flooding are paying top dollar for coastal real estate.

Yes it matters.
Why should any freedom loving person acquiesce to so called scientists after what we went through with Covid?

These so called experts were wrong about almost everything! They pushed policies that hurt people on purpose.

The attitude that these are scientists so stfu is over! These idiots have been wrong about everything. They were wrong about peak oil. They were wrong about acid rain. They were wrong about Covid vaccines. They were wrong about masks.