I can't believed nobody commented on this thread when it was first created a while ago.
No he does not! He wants to throw them into "Considtration" camps. I think that is where they sit around a camp fire and make "smores".That's not just religious profiling that good 'ole steveox was suggesting. He wants us to throw our entire Arabic population into concentration camps.
Does it bother you at all that your type of rhetoric leads to things like this?
i think the best way to stop this so-called al qeada threat is to not believe white house anymore and finally realize that no such organization ever existed.
I think arbitor is missing a vital point, as an organization al-quieda don't seem that powerful. Wow, they learnt to use a video camera to big up the one huge thing they managed to pull off in the US.
I can't believed nobody commented on this thread when it was first created a while ago.
Al qaeda is a small Islamic terrorist group.
The only reason its ranks get temporarily swelled is that the US keeps killing hundreds of thousands of muslims and supplies Israel with WMD to do the same thing.
How about the US stopping this?
That might help.
The US is the world's most dangerous nation, its biggest aggressor and its most intergalactic hypocrite.
No I didn't.
You need to check your sources.
As usual
You can argue exactly what you are saying, but let me ask you this..
In Somalia, our presence was causing a surge in recruits for the warlords, we left, did the warlords lose power... no...