The one person democrats should blame....

Since when do you decide any election in California?

IN all of history, there has NEVER been a president that had a more successful second term than his first, with the possible exception of FDR.
Of course, it is clear that FDR was a better choice than Alf Landon, as well as Wendell Willkie in 1940.

I know that the men in my family were nearly all unemloyed by 1932, but after they served in the CCC they all found jobs and were never unemployed again.
I admit I cannot predict what California democrats might be able to do in future tainted elections. And in spite of Trump's landslide victory, Kamala still got 69.3 million votes which is as many votes as Obama ever got, which is a testimony of the power of the democrat voter registration drives. Trump got 73.6 million votes in 2024 and 63 million votes in 2016. Trump was winning the 2020 election with more votes than any other presidential candidate in US history had ever gotten until Biden vote counts surged in democrat wards in the nights, days, and weeks after polls closed on election day.