Brittney Griner - The Facts You Won't Hear Anywhere Else

Again, Biden did thew 100% correct thing to get her out, and again, those who wanted her to rot in a Russian jail are racists and homophobes, and screw them.
Again, Biden did thew 100% correct thing to get her out, and again, those who wanted her to rot in a Russian jail are racists and homophobes, and screw them.
opinions of the Figplucker needs to always be ignored.[/B]

Fiirst it has nothing to do with her being black other then that may be part of why joe sold us out to get her plus she is gay anti American and a bit of a celebrity..
No one wanted her to rot because she is black so stick the race card up your ass.
She took a illegal substance in her luggage and got caught and we had to give up a Russian with contacts all over the world who is responsible for who knows how many hundreds of thousand deaths around the globe.
He should of gotten a lot more then her but he wanted the publicity. joes known for making lots of bad deals in case you didnt notice lug nutter
Again, Biden did thew 100% correct thing to get her out, and again, those who wanted her to rot in a Russian jail are racists and homophobes, and screw them.
No one wanted her to rot because she is black so stik the race card up your ass
She took a illegal substance in her luggage and got caught and we had to give up a Russian with contacts all over the world who is responsible for who knows how 100s of thousands of deaths in the middle east Afghanistan Africa south America and more.

Of course you forget his bad deals with Iran that cost American lives and others his allowing millions of illegals and a inflating reduction plan that was a climate bill and wasted billions .
Now you want a moronn who is dumber and more radical then him