The Obama daughters were listed on the manifest as "senior staff."


Staff member
Dec 24, 2009
Wandering around
say what ?

for Michelle's little pilgrimage to the Dark Continent thats how her daughters were listed on the Air Force manifest,

How much does it cost taxpayers to fly First Lady Michelle Obama, her two daughters and her mother, a niece and a nephew, a hairstylist and makeup artists to South Africa and Botswana to give a few speeches, meet Nelson Mandela, and enjoy a safari on a private game preserve?

Nearly half a million dollars, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) concerning Obama's June 21-27 journey.

Judicial Watch said the U.S. Air Force provided a C-32 - a Boeing 757 modified by the military for the purpose of flying big-wigs around the world - to fly the First Lady and her entourage to and from Africa, at a cost of $424,142. Another $928.44 was listed as the cost of providing 192 meals for the 21 people who made the trip

The Obama daughters were listed on the manifest as "senior staff."

“This trip was as much an opportunity for the Obama family to go on a safari as it was a trip to conduct government business,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This junket wasted tax dollars and the resources of our overextended military. No wonder we had to sue to pry loose this information.”

The documents made public by Judicial Watch do not include the total of all costs for the First Lady's trip, such as expenses for security, transportation on the ground and so forth. For more information, go here.

that HERE is here

Hmmm... Michelle is not part of the government so how is it she can conduct any business ?
say what ?

for Michelle's little pilgrimage to the Dark Continent thats how her daughters were listed on the Air Force manifest,

that HERE is here

Hmmm... Michelle is not part of the government so how is it she can conduct any business ?

So funny!
Your bad faith is blinding you again!

Why wouldn't Michelle Obama, as the First Lady of the United State, travel as an ambassador of good will?

Is that so extraordinary? Apparently not! In fact, she travelled A LOT LESS than the former First Lady, Laura Bush!

As First Lady, she took five goodwill trips to Africa.[49] The purpose of these has mostly been to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and malaria, but Bush has also stressed the need for education and greater opportunities for women.[50] She has taken many other trips to other countries to promote and gain support for President Bush's Emergency Plan for AIDS relief;[51] these countries include Zambia (2007),[52] Mozambique (2007),[53] Mali (2007),[54] Senegal (2007),[55] and Haiti (2008).[51]

In mid-2007, she took a trip to Burma where she spoke out in support of the pro-democracy movement, and urged Burmese soldiers and militias to refrain from violence.[56] Later that October, she ventured to the Middle East. Bush said she was in the region in an attempt to improve America's image by highlighting concern for women's health, specifically promoting her breast cancer awareness work with the US-Middle East Partnership for Breast Cancer Awareness and Research.[56][57] She defined the trip as successful, saying that stereotypes were broken on both sides.[56]

Shall I look for the total expenses related to those MANY trips? Or maybe she didn't bring her hair dresser and did her hair herself?

Get a life!
So funny!
Your bad faith is blinding you again!

Why wouldn't Michelle Obama, as the First Lady of the United State, travel as an ambassador of good will?

Is that so extraordinary? Apparently not! In fact, she travelled A LOT LESS than the former First Lady, Laura Bush!

Shall I look for the total expenses related to those MANY trips? Or maybe she didn't bring her hair dresser and did her hair herself?

Get a life!

I hear Michelle also wore white after labor day! lets start the impeachment process!
I hear Michelle also wore white after labor day! lets start the impeachment process!

You know, what I just don't understand is WHY the Obama haters are still so intent in bashing him, and his family!

They think they have won. They state over and over that Obama has failed (their stated priority is therefore accomplished!) and that he will be a one term president. . .

So where does all the venom and bashing, and below the belt (and stupid) attacks that have been recycled over and over since the DAY he was elected come from? What purpose do these attacks serve?

I wonder. . .are they not THAT secure about their "victory?"

To me, it sounds like a lack of decency. But, to each one its own!
So funny!
Your bad faith is blinding you again!

Why wouldn't Michelle Obama, as the First Lady of the United State, travel as an ambassador of good will?

Is that so extraordinary? Apparently not! In fact, she travelled A LOT LESS than the former First Lady, Laura Bush!

Shall I look for the total expenses related to those MANY trips? Or maybe she didn't bring her hair dresser and did her hair herself?

Get a life!

was she getting african kids to lets move too ?
was she getting african kids to lets move too ?

You probably know more about Laura Bush than I do. I wasn't that interested. I thought she was a nice person, and I was glad to see her as an ambassador to the world. . . she actually was a lot more effective than her husband in that role!

And, I don't seem to have your need to bash my First Lady or my President!
You probably know more about Laura Bush than I do. I wasn't that interested. I thought she was a nice person, and I was glad to see her as an ambassador to the world. . . she actually was a lot more effective than her husband in that role!

And, I don't seem to have your need to bash my First Lady or my President!

Mrs Bush was doing legwork for her husband's initiatives involving AIDS in Africa. Even Bono gives props to him for this. Not so happy with Obama on that.
Mrs Bush was doing legwork for her husband's initiatives involving AIDS in Africa. Even Bono gives props to him for this. Not so happy with Obama on that.

Mrs Obama was acting as our ambassador to Africa, and she was a great success.

No difference, unless, maybe the skin colors. . .

do you think it might have been uncalled for to have a Black woman travel to Africa in anything but a slave ship? :mad:
Because the Right clings to hate and sees anyone to the left of Rush as Evil and must be destroyed...And there is of course the Racism, but your not allowed to talk about that or they cry about the race card...because in there pretty world Racism is gone from all people who are not black. And no need for any thought, just attack attack attack , don't ever give up...

Clinton killed Vince Foster...
what not enough, he killed a few more to.
Need more? Umm Hillary killed them to.
More? umm Ok he trashed the white house as well and stole the stuff
More? um He is the Anti Christ
damn we need more...
Umm he is going to ban all gun threw the UN to bypass the 2nd!
Hey he got head...He must Die ( this is due to fact that most of them are just mad they cant get any from there conservative I guess...Just my theory)
he Bombed Afganstan and Sudan because he got Head!

And then Obama
He is a Crack head who did crack all the time in his LImo
His Wife is on tape saying "whitey" and its going to come out soon..I swear! ( still waiting)
He hates White people, look at his Church!
He can't go to a church and not belive what they say!
He is a Secret Muslim...umm ignore what I said above...
he was born in Kenya!
I have proof he is really a citizen of Indonesia
I have proof he is was born in Kenya!
umm Hawaii is not a State! ( I made that up)
his birth certificate is fake...its just a copy
thats just a live birth one, where is the full copy
I don't care if its illegal to take out..I want it!
Those newspaper things are just a plot to make it look like he was born here
Ok so he got the full copy now...But it looks fake, and it took to long...its clearly fake
He is Hitler! I mean Stalin...Hilter! Stalin...
Umm Death panels are going to kill your mom!
Obama care wants US troops to kill themself!
Obama Golfs to much ( I don';t care how much the House Speaker golfs)
I can't say there are Secret FEMA Camps...I just can't prove he has not set them up!
I can't prove he eats babys at night....But I can't prove he does not!
He has a Secret Army to take all your guns!
His Wife Travels! ( she should be in the kitchen? or making babies)
we should not have to pay for his Security!
His India Trip cost 100 Trillion Dollars a Hour!
Obama Bailed out the banks!
Obama wants the US to run all Auto companies!
he is the Anti Christ!
did I mention he is a Terrorist?
Mrs Obama was acting as our ambassador to Africa, and she was a great success.

No difference, unless, maybe the skin colors. . .

do you think it might have been uncalled for to have a Black woman travel to Africa in anything but a slave ship? :mad:

we have many ambassadors in Africa (its a continent not a country). The AIDs initiatives involved many countries. This was a sightseeing junket, nothing more.
we have many ambassadors in Africa (its a continent not a country). The AIDs initiatives involved many countries. This was a sightseeing junket, nothing more.

Really? Africa is not a country?

Well, thanks for letting me know! And all this time I was trussing Palin! :rolleyes:

Get over it, smart boy, no matter how much you hate it, Michelle Obama is our First lady, and deserve as much respect as ANY of the past or future First Ladies.

Your narrow minded, prejudiced comments only reflect on yourself, and do not shine a good lit on your character!
Really? Africa is not a country?

Well, thanks for letting me know! And all this time I was trussing Palin! :rolleyes:

Get over it, smart boy, no matter how much you hate it, Michelle Obama is our First lady, and deserve as much respect as ANY of the past or future First Ladies.

Your narrow minded, prejudiced comments only reflect on yourself, and do not shine a good lit on your character!

respect is earned. adoration requires far less. if she does anything to earn respect then I'll consider it.

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