The point, which all of you miss, is the hypocrisy of the press.
All of us who know ANYTHING, know the lib media would crucify an R if he did the same during hard economic times. They would even make up stories to damage the R.
Remember how they claimed Bush 1 never saw a grocery store scanner and then concluded he was completely out of touch. Some people actually voted for BJ Bubba based on that lie. Then the story about Nancy Reagan and the White House china. It was another made up story designed to hurt Reagan.
I am sure if I thought about, I could come up with numerous other examples.
It is a fact that BO can get away with just about anything with the sycophantic lib press. It is sad and very damaging that so much of the press have become the communications arm of the Socialist Party.
UCLA professor proves how damaging...and you guys are proof that the liberal press can fool some of the people ALL of the time.