People are starting to realize that we are not going to get along. A number of people voted for obama thinking he could unite the party's and we would be able to work together exc. exc. Now they are starting to see it just isn’t gonna happen.
People like me always knew it was not going to happen. I am glad more are opening their eyes, maybe now we can go to plan B... what ever that is!
It's pretty telling that Half of U.S. voters (50%) now believe President Barack Obama is governing as a partisan Democrat. Some of us already knew that, glad to know others have noticed.
58% Now Expect More Partisanship in Washington
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters now think politics in Washington, D.C. will be more partisan over the next year rather than more cooperative. That’s up from 49% a month ago, 40% two months ago, and 34% in early January.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 26% expect things to be more cooperative. That’s down from 48% in early January.
Half of U.S. voters (50%) now believe President Barack Obama is governing as a partisan Democrat. That’s up seven points from a month ago and eleven points from two months ago.
But voters continue to think Congress is acting on a more partisan basis than the president.
Sixty-four percent (64%) now say congressional Democrats are acting like partisan Democrats, while 20% say they’re bipartisan.
As for Republicans in Congress, 57% of voters say they’re acting like partisan Republicans. Twenty percent (20%) say their actions are bipartisan.