OK, so maybe you're right.
I googled "obama + marxist" just to see what would come up.
This was the first one:
After a rant about how much money Obama is spending, which you, I, and the author would all agree is unsustainable, the Joe the Plumber remark was used to support the Obama is Marxist hypothesis:
The "redistribution of wealth" statement referred to the graduated income tax, as we all know by now.
So, is a graduated income tax a Marxist ideal? If so, have all of the presidents and most of the Congressmen been Marxists for the past 60 or so years? I'm not saying they're not, you understand, just asking the question.
The second one asked,
Is Barack Obama A Marxist Mole?
Assuming that the term "mole" referred to an imbedded spy, or operative of some kind, and not to a small burrowing rodent, let's see if they make their case:
There's that term "communist" rearing its ugly head again.
So, he has had some communist friends, and close friends at that! Note, I googled "Marxist, not Communist."
Obviously, I'm on the wrong track, as this site keeps saying that Obama has close ties with a communist.
The next one seems to be saying that Obama is not a Marxist, so we'll ignore that obviously biased site. The next one states:
Obama's Marxist Stimulus package, more job cuts, more lay-offs, and much more Big Government
According to that, the blame for the worldwide recession is the Democrat takeover of Congress in '06, and that Obama's solution is pure socialism.
I suppose you could argue that the enormous bailout is socialistic in nature, it most certainly is statist, as I've already said.
And, as I've said above, the philosophy of giving handouts to failing institutions while not giving breaks to succeeding institutions does seem to follow the "from each according to his abilities" philosophy promoted by Karl Marx.
Maybe, then, Obama's policies can be said to be Marxist, in that sense. I've always had the impression that the "from each..." etc. referred to individuals, rather than to institutions.
So, in a way, stretching the definition and by using the guilt by association argument, it could be said that Obama is a Marxist.