The Hunter Biden Soap Opera

not an ounce of uranium went to russia. so why do you care which corporate entity owns mining interests in canada?
Nobody said that. Try to keep up. A sizeable percentage of US ownership of uranium rights was sold to Russia with Obama's, Hillary's, and other lawmakers' help.
Nobody said that. Try to keep up. A sizeable percentage of US ownership of uranium rights was sold to Russia with Obama's, Hillary's, and other lawmakers' help.
So if no uranium went to Russia what is the problem?
You are against property rights now?
The Clinton Foundation received more than $100 million from those involved at the time in obtaining mining interests in Europe with Bill Clinton's help.

. proof o' that, either.
Foundation Programs – Clinton Foundation
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"Tony Bobulinski, the high-flying investor who is the House GOPs star witness in the Oversight Committee’s ever-expanding probe into Hunter Biden, has become the one Biden business associate that Republicans would like voters to believe.

But, as Republicans examine Hunter Biden’s questionable business ties, it turns out Bobulinski is connected to one particular character perhaps more unsavory than any other figure in the inquiry’s constellation: Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg.

Vekselberg is a Ukrainian-born energy magnate who’s been a close ally of Vladimir Putin’s for decades. And in 2017, Vekselberg reportedly funneled $500,000 to an LLC run by Donald Trump’s former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, supposedly with the intention of influencing the new administration to let Russia illegally occupy parts of Eastern Ukraine."

crying-baby-smiley-emoticon[3].gif Lefties: Don't look into the Clinton Foundation - there is nothing illegal going on there. Look into the Trump Foundation because 'everybody knows' something illegal 'must' be going on there.
"The Donald J. Trump Foundation WAS a New York-based tax-exempt private foundation formed in 1988 by Donald Trump and dissolved by court order in 2018 after various legal violations came to light."
not an ounce of uranium went to russia. so why do you care which corporate entity owns mining interests in canada?
There is no rightwing conspiracy theory that Mark Francis does not embrace. He shows no signs that he knows US history and will believe anything the Trumpoids tell him.
There is no rightwing conspiracy theory that Mark Francis does not embrace. He shows no signs that he knows US history and will believe anything the Trumpoids tell him.
God teaches Christians how to think. The ungodly look elsewhere for instructions.

God teaches Christians how to think. The ungodly look elsewhere for instructions.

View attachment 11317

so god taught christians how to have slaves, persecute gays, and keep women as second class citizens.
america needs less of your god.

the amusing thing about your stupid cartoon is how offended christians are about..everything. lol