The gun owner next door

No. I believe that since the market has been so severely manipulated by giant corporations at the disadvantage of the workers and middle class, we need the government intervention to bring the balance back through labor laws and regulations to protect the workers from the over reach of the big corps. Once the balance swing back to the center, we can, with caution let the newly freed market act. . . Under observation so that excess do not trigger q new kidnapping of the free market by those who have the money to create chaos

so you want the govrrnment to manipulate the market place.
this despite the fact thst its been doing this for the lsdt hundred years or so giving us what we have.
so you want the govrrnment to manipulate the market place.
this despite the fact thst its been doing this for the lsdt hundred years or so giving us what we have.

I want the government to be the watch dog to bring back and then keep the market free.

Why, you prefer to have "big money" manipulate the market? Obviously, it hasn't worked for many years!

And, "what we have" is a lot less of the share of wealth as we EVER had in the last 60 years or so. . . DUE to the manipulation of the market. . .and more the power shift to those who have the wealth, and more uneven the balance of power will be, and more "manipulated" the market will be. . . unless we have a "watch dog" that limits the power of "wealth" through regulations such as fair labor laws and fair taxing.
The only industries thst i can think of that self regulate are the medical people and professional sports. And those two have done much to abuse that power. Government has done far worse. Look at all the disasters that have come as a result. Funny you pick 60 years which puts us coming to grips with rhe Great Society.
The only industries thst i can think of that self regulate are the medical people and professional sports. And those two have done much to abuse that power. Government has done far worse. Look at all the disasters that have come as a result. Funny you pick 60 years which puts us coming to grips with rhe Great Society.

You're kidding, right? I think the medical industry is more "regulated" than most, since they must answer to standards of performance and ethical rules!

How about the Oil industry? IF the government didn't put regulations on them, we would have an oil field in every backyard and our coasts and marine life would be a waste of oil and death!