The gun owner next door

I say Take the gun shop owners to court on failing to protect your privacy when you register. Registration is to be kept Secret just like a voting ballot is. Why dont a conservite newspaper get even by showing a map where voters vote for democrats? And then youll see liberal voters wont vote anymore cause if you vote democrat people will know who voted for them. So FAIR IS FAIR! If Liberal newspapers can get away with this why cant conservitie newspapers get even by showing who voted for democrats.
Ha! Another great idea to control guns (registration), which does more harm than good! So what other dumb thing are we going to do to control guns --- and then turns around and bites us in the arse?

Remember: When honest people can't have guns, then only the crooks will have them. Sound familiar?
Ha! Another great idea to control guns (registration), which does more harm than good! So what other dumb thing are we going to do to control guns --- and then turns around and bites us in the arse?

Remember: When honest people can't have guns, then only the crooks will have them. Sound familiar?

they are already registered.
that process includes safeguards to keep lunatic from buying them but thats dependant upon the medical community obeying those laws. and they fail in this all too often. in conn at va tech etcetcetc.
I say Take the gun shop owners to court on failing to protect your privacy when you register. Registration is to be kept Secret just like a voting ballot is. Why dont a conservite newspaper get even by showing a map where voters vote for democrats? And then youll see liberal voters wont vote anymore cause if you vote democrat people will know who voted for them. So FAIR IS FAIR! If Liberal newspapers can get away with this why cant conservitie newspapers get even by showing who voted for democrats.

That's a dumb comment! You see no problem with registering your car (if you even drive!), but you would have a problem with registering your killing machine?

Why? Why should a gun be bought and use more easily than a CAR?
That's a dumb comment! You see no problem with registering your car (if you even drive!), but you would have a problem with registering your killing machine?

Why? Why should a gun be bought and use more easily than a CAR?

Well i dont see any reason why Ballots should be secret. If you voted for Obama then we all should know about it :)
Nothing like advertising who doesn't own guns - I'm sure the late night shoppers, stalkers, kidnappers, perverts and others would find this information useful.

The gun owner next door: What you don't know about the weapons in your neighborhood

View attachment 339

Personally, as a person who hates guns and will NEVER own one, I am perfectly comfortable (in fact, eager) for everyone (including potential intruders) to know that I do not have a gun in the house.

I believe that criminals would rather NOT use a gun if they want to steal from you than to use one. . .as the sentence if he/she gets caught are so much more severe. And I believe that if an intruder KNOWS I do not have a gun, he/she will be perfectly happy to come in and steal my TV and computers without the use of a gun. . .or at least without shooting me at the first movement I make toward my side or towards my night stand drawer!

In fact, I read someplace (might have been in Europe) that the best thing to do if an intruder invades your home is to lock yourself in the bathroom and scream to the intruder "take anything you want and leave."

After all, most intruders do not come with the goal to kill you, not even to rape you (especially at my age!), but rather to get as much of your property as he can without any trouble.

And I much rather lose my TV and my computers than to shoot someone to protect material possessions!

Now. . .If I get shot some day. . .that means that "Karhma" is an hoax! But I do believe in Karhma. . .and I don't think I'll get killed, even if I lose a few pieces of gold jewelry and a couple of laptops from my home!
Well i dont see any reason why Ballots should be secret. If you voted for Obama then we all should know about it :)

That's right!

And I am very proud of having voted for President Obama! Why should I want to hide it?
In fact, I became an American Citizen in March 2012 with the intention of voting for President Obama!

So it is not a question of shame, but of PRIDE for me! :)
That's a dumb comment! You see no problem with registering your car (if you even drive!), but you would have a problem with registering your killing machine?

Why? Why should a gun be bought and use more easily than a CAR?

you dont have to register your car (for the purpise of levying personal property taxes) before you buy it. you hve to clear that check before you buy that gun and its registeted at purchase.

steve's point is wrong because the vendors have nothing to do with it.
Personally, as a person who hates guns and will NEVER own one, I am perfectly comfortable (in fact, eager) for everyone (including potential intruders) to know that I do not have a gun in the house.

I believe that criminals would rather NOT use a gun if they want to steal from you than to use one. . .as the sentence if he/she gets caught are so much more severe. And I believe that if an intruder KNOWS I do not have a gun, he/she will be perfectly happy to come in and steal my TV and computers without the use of a gun. . .or at least without shooting me at the first movement I make toward my side or towards my night stand drawer!

In fact, I read someplace (might have been in Europe) that the best thing to do if an intruder invades your home is to lock yourself in the bathroom and scream to the intruder "take anything you want and leave."

After all, most intruders do not come with the goal to kill you, not even to rape you (especially at my age!), but rather to get as much of your property as he can without any trouble.

And I much rather lose my TV and my computers than to shoot someone to protect material possessions!

Now. . .If I get shot some day. . .that means that "Karhma" is an hoax! But I do believe in Karhma. . .and I don't think I'll get killed, even if I lose a few pieces of gold jewelry and a couple of laptops from my home!
LOL..thank you..
That's a dumb comment! You see no problem with registering your car (if you even drive!), but you would have a problem with registering your killing machine?

Why? Why should a gun be bought and use more easily than a CAR?
I hope no one ever figures out how deadly a car could about mass murder....
Ha! Another great idea to control guns (registration), which does more harm than good! So what other dumb thing are we going to do to control guns --- and then turns around and bites us in the arse?

Remember: When honest people can't have guns, then only the crooks will have them. Sound familiar?
Everybody has emotional responses and they are not limited to the anti-gun crowd. Some on our team harbor fantasies of overthrowing a corrupt US government. They claim it's one of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment. To tell the truth...IMO That's just insane.

To change a government by force, you MUST have the military on your side ( Also IMO I believe we would). If you do, you don't need a 30 round mag. If you don't have the military, our little 30 round AK pea shooters will be useless and attempting to use it, suicide.

Under normal circumstances I'd prefer a more pragmatic approach myself. First, we need to accept that there are crazies among us. Nothing can possible stop a suicidal mad man on a killing mission. Nothing. Confiscation and laws are impotent. We can never be so safe that the possibility doesn't exist. It can be a dangerous world and we need to just accept that.

That said, there's absolutely no reasonable application for high volume magazines( other than target speed shooting). My hunting rifle magazine is limited and my tool works perfectly. You can effectively protect your home/family with any handgun or shotgun. Now as far as banning semi-auto pistols I am against it...

Fully automatic weapons are carefully controlled and rare. Because of that, we never hear of them being used by madmen bent on massacre. The same should apply to semi auto weapons with high volume magazines. we might have to live with the crazies, but we don't have to make it easy on them. Six shots and reload gives the victims a chance to escape or counter attack.

The NRA is taking heat because their position is to rigid . THERE I SAID IT..BUT HERE IS THE PROBLEM..LIBERALS WON'T STOP THERE! So we have to defend our rights....or we won't have them...
I hope no one ever figures out how deadly a car could about mass murder....

Some people already did.

There has been ONE mass murder with a car crashingin acoffee shop intentionally, I believe.

And have you never heard about car bombing?

However, a car has a purpose that is NOT to kill.

Guns have only ONE purpose: to KILL.
Everybody has emotional responses and they are not limited to the anti-gun crowd. Some on our team harbor fantasies of overthrowing a corrupt US government. They claim it's one of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment. To tell the truth...IMO That's just insane.

To change a government by force, you MUST have the military on your side ( Also IMO I believe we would). If you do, you don't need a 30 round mag. If you don't have the military, our little 30 round AK pea shooters will be useless and attempting to use it, suicide.

Under normal circumstances I'd prefer a more pragmatic approach myself. First, we need to accept that there are crazies among us. Nothing can possible stop a suicidal mad man on a killing mission. Nothing. Confiscation and laws are impotent. We can never be so safe that the possibility doesn't exist. It can be a dangerous world and we need to just accept that.

That said, there's absolutely no reasonable application for high volume magazines( other than target speed shooting). My hunting rifle magazine is limited and my tool works perfectly. You can effectively protect your home/family with any handgun or shotgun. Now as far as banning semi-auto pistols I am against it...

Fully automatic weapons are carefully controlled and rare. Because of that, we never hear of them being used by madmen bent on massacre. The same should apply to semi auto weapons with high volume magazines. we might have to live with the crazies, but we don't have to make it easy on them. Six shots and reload gives the victims a chance to escape or counter attack.

The NRA is taking heat because their position is to rigid . THERE I SAID IT..BUT HERE IS THE PROBLEM..LIBERALS WON'T STOP THERE! So we have to defend our rights....or we won't have them...

Glad to see that your position seems a lot more flexible and reasonable that your comments from yesterday seemed to indicate!

I agree with all you say, except with the last "let's bash the liberal" sentence.

That was uncallled for and non-productive.