The French lesson

Yep, WW I was the worst war in history to be a soldier in. WW II was worse if you were a civilian, but the trenches of WW I were five years of Hell like General Sherman never dreamed of. At the end of it a big chunk of northern France looked like the surface of the moon, only bloodier, nothing but craters and rats and entrails.

My point wasn't to single out just France in the coalition. My point was that the French certainly weren't cowards or "surrender monkeys". They suffered a 75% casualty rate, lost around 1.5 million men.

Umm..I already brought up the battle of Verdun and the fact that a good portion of French soldiers died charging German Machine Gun Nests.

I suppose I equate "glory" to efficiency and success. The French were certainly in it from beginning to end and it was their country that took the brunt of the fighting. I just don't see anything particularly glorious in a whole bunch of people dying for no gain.

Now Napoleon - that guy was glorious. And no where near as short as everyone seems to think he was.
I suppose I equate "glory" to efficiency and success. The French were certainly in it from beginning to end and it was their country that took the brunt of the fighting. I just don't see anything particularly glorious in a whole bunch of people dying for no gain.

Now Napoleon - that guy was glorious. And no where near as short as everyone seems to think he was.

Actually, now the French look as the Napoleon era as "the dark years." They see him as a tyrant and something to be ashamed of. But I guess for somebody like Armchair General that thinks Saddam was a hero, Napoleon could fit the bill.
Actually, now the French look as the Napoleon era as "the dark years." They see him as a tyrant and something to be ashamed of. But I guess for somebody like Armchair General that thinks Saddam was a hero, Napoleon could fit the bill.

Anyone who thinks Saddam is a hero should be given an 'educational video' of people being gassed, maimed, having their balls castrated etc. for a couple of hours. Preferably digitally edited so its their loved ones.
From a review and commentary on the French election, to an extended rehash of France's military history and prowess past? Goodness! Not to say that one is totally disconnected with the other, but are we to lose the significance of what is happening there today with a historical debate?

Right now France is standing at the edge of their future, determining how they want to shape it, and where they want it to fit with the rest of the world. I can only hope that this political shift will spawn a massive dose of reality that will inspire the world and spread throughout Europe like wildfire!
Actually, now the French look as the Napoleon era as "the dark years." They see him as a tyrant and something to be ashamed of. But I guess for somebody like Armchair General that thinks Saddam was a hero, Napoleon could fit the bill.

Napoleon was a conqueror and the neo-European model of denouncing all imperialism as "ultimate evil" follows the line that Napoleon must have been evil too. Basically they want the world to see them as anti-imperialists - so that when the rest of the world gets sick of perceived American imperialism the Europeans will be the only benevolent people the tech and the industry to be major world players.

Napoleon actually bears a remarkable resemblance to our own leader. Think about: Forcefully spreading the ideals of democracy and freedom? Questions of true intentions? The only difference is that Napoleon was good at it.
Anyone who thinks Saddam is a hero should be given an 'educational video' of people being gassed, maimed, having their balls castrated etc. for a couple of hours. Preferably digitally edited so its their loved ones.

You don't pull any punches do you?
From a review and commentary on the French election, to an extended rehash of France's military history and prowess past? Goodness! Not to say that one is totally disconnected with the other, but are we to lose the significance of what is happening there today with a historical debate?

Right now France is standing at the edge of their future, determining how they want to shape it, and where they want it to fit with the rest of the world. I can only hope that this political shift will spawn a massive dose of reality that will inspire the world and spread throughout Europe like wildfire!

Reality? Europe? You are kidding, right?
ArmChair General--THANK YOU for setting the facts straight about the French. You are absolutely right! I'm so sick of these "office smartasses" (to quote you) bashing the French. That "piss your dockers" comment is the best line I've probably ever heard pertaining to that subject! You really hit the nail on the head about the French. Doesn't it scare you that so many of us Americans are so poorly versed in history that such stupid, largely-inaccurate, inferences about our own allies can emerge into popular belief? Again, kudos on your comments!
ArmChair General--THANK YOU for setting the facts straight about the French. You are absolutely right! I'm so sick of these "office smartasses" (to quote you) bashing the French. That "piss your dockers" comment is the best line I've probably ever heard pertaining to that subject! You really hit the nail on the head about the French. Doesn't it scare you that so many of us Americans are so poorly versed in history that such stupid, largely-inaccurate, inferences about our own allies can emerge into popular belief? Again, kudos on your comments!

Damn Right Kelly, but the thing that really gets to me is why Americans hate the French so much when they only did us good and never did us any harm. Like, why not hate the Brits? They're the ones who killed thousands of Americans in the Revolution, and thirty years later they came back and attacked us again. That time around they managed to burn Washington DC to the ground while they were at it.

Americans are just simply ungrateful. And when I say ungrateful, I'm talking about the American Revolution. If you're a true American patriot, then this is the war that matters. Hell, most Americans probably couldn't name three major battles from it, every now and then you might find someone who recalls a little place called Yorktown, Virginia, where we bottled up Cornwallis's army, forced the Brits' surrender and pretty much won the war.

Well, news flash: "we" didn't win that battle, any more than the Northern Alliance conquered the Taliban. The French army and navy won Yorktown for us. Americans didn't have the materiel or the training to mount a combined operation like that, with naval blockade and land siege. It was the French artillery forces and military engineers who ran the siege, and at sea it was a French admiral, de Grasse, who kicked the **** out of the British navy when they tried to break the siege.

Long before that, in fact as soon as we showed the Brits at Saratoga that we could win once in a while, they started pouring in huge shipments of everything from cannon to uniforms. We'd never have got near Yorktown if it wasn't for massive French aid.

But yah Kelly, thanks for the nod. :)

It is very economically advantageous to use cheap Mexican seasonal agricultural guest workers; it is very socially and economically disadvantageous to let them stay after the crop is harvested.

When seasonal guest workers do return to Mexico at end of the growing season, they return with money and experience, to contribute to the development of Mexico; and each year, when a new group of seasonal guest workers comes, they are eager to work for the same low non-citizen wages.

And, when they return to Mexico at end of the growing season, they do not drive down the wages of American workers, by competing for jobs in landscaping, construction, sanitation, and housekeeping; and they do not use American governmental social services.

Mexico is land rich in natural resources; what makes it so socially and economically poor are its Mexican People; and wherever they immigrate they bring their deplorable civilization with them. It is so inferior than none of them want to return to it.

The Mexican dream of regaining political control over Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California is America’s worst nightmare. Starting at all of the border towns, and spreading northward throughout America, like cancers, are thousands of deplorable Mexican neighborhoods.

America is presently occupied by 12-15 million Mexicans. With the deportation of all the illegal immigrants, students will again be able to get good paying summer jobs, to learn responsibility and earn their way through college; blue-collar wages will rise; border towns will not be slums; Spanish will not be a second language; crime will go down; hospitals and prisons will not be overcrowded; and, voter fraud will be over.

When seasonal guest workers come from all of the countries of Latin America, on a strict quota system, then every country benefits, not Mexico exclusively; and when they are well treated, the experience is mutually positive.

When all of the illegal aliens are deported, the crooked Neo-Lib Democrats and Neo-Con Republicans will lose millions of political supporters, and the large donations that they receive from the Mexican Lobby; and, those American businesses that exploit cheap non-agricultural Mexican labor will lose their illegal competitive advantages.

No rich superior civilization in the World can coexist side by side with a poor inferior civilization, without a great wall or fence, strict guest labor laws, armed border guards, and fines for hiring illegal aliens.

Those tyrannical elected Republican and Democrat leaders who serve the crooked exploitive labor lobbies, such Samuel Johnson in Texas and Nancy Pelosi in California, notoriously supporting amnesty, hindering the enforcement of immigration laws and enactment of immigration reforms, in defiance of the majority will of the American People, shall be expelled for their treason.
Verdun. Just that name was enough to make Frenchmen and Germans, the few who survived it, wake up yelling for years afterward. The French lost 1.5 million men out of a total population of 40 million fighting the Germans from 1914-1918. A lot of those guys died charging German machine-gun nests with bayonets.

I'd really like to see one of you office smartasses joke about French being cowards with a French soldier, 1914 vintage. You'd piss your dockers.

Right on. Imagine the sheer iron gnads you would need in hand-to-hand combat. I don't imagine many people nowadays can.

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